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What is the weather resistance of POE, EVA and EPE photovoltaic films?

Essential parts of solar panels are photovoltaic (PV) films, which transform sunlight into electricity. The longevity and long-term performance of these films are largely dependent on their capacity to withstand weather. The purpose of this article is to present a thorough examination of the weather resistance characteristics of three popular PV film materials: expanded polyethylene (EPE), ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), and polyolefin elastomer (POE). We may learn more about these materials’ performance and applicability in a variety of environmental circumstances by looking at how resistant they are to different weathering elements, such as moisture, temperature changes, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and air pollution.


The Impact of Weathering Factors

It is crucial to comprehend how various climatic conditions affect the performance of PV films in order to assess their weather resistance. The main weathering element that can deteriorate photovoltaic films and lower their absorption of light and power generation is UV radiation. The structural integrity of the film may be impacted by temperature variations due to thermal stress and delamination. Swelling, blistering, and loss of adhesion can all be brought on by moisture. Furthermore, corrosion and discoloration can result from exposure to chemicals and air pollutants like ozone. We may ascertain the weather resistance capacities of POE, EVA, and EPE films by evaluating the impact of these parameters.

Photovoltaic Films using Polyolefin Elastomer (POE)

POE films are renowned for having exceptional resilience to weather. They are very resistant to ultraviolet light, which allows them to keep their mechanical strength and clarity for long. Additionally, POE films show good resistance to moisture, air contaminants, and temperature changes. The material’s resistance to environmental stressors is partly due to its natural flexibility and high elongation at break. Additionally, POE films absorb less water, lowering the possibility of damage from moisture. All things considered, POE films have encouraging weather resistance qualities, making them appropriate for a range of climates and environmental circumstances.

Photovoltaic films made on ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA)

Because of their superior stickiness and optical qualities, EVA films are frequently utilized in PV modules. However, the manufacturing and formulation procedures can have an impact on how weather resistant they are. Because UV stabilizers are included, EVA films usually show good resistance to UV light. Prolonged UV exposure, however, can cause discoloration and decreased transparency. Over time, temperature variations may make EVA films brittle, increasing the risk of cracking and delamination.

Additionally, moisture can weaken the bonding strength of EVA films by altering their adhesive qualities. Manufacturers often utilize advanced encapsulation techniques or add extra elements to improve the weather resistance of EVA films. The high silane concentration, high transparency, low crystal point, and white particle look of Coace’s advanced silane photovoltaic additives. It can more effectively extend photovoltaic film’s life and increase its power generation efficiency. To guarantee the long-term performance of EVA formulations, proper manufacturing procedures and formulation selection are crucial.


Photovoltaic films made on expanded polyethylene (EPE)

EPE films are renowned for having superior insulating and cushioning qualities. They are occasionally utilized as an encapsulant or in protective layers, although they are not frequently used as the main material for PV films. The closed-cell structure of EPE films restricts the amount of UV rays that can get through, giving them good resistance to

UV radiation: On the other hand, the material may eventually deteriorate and become brittle with prolonged exposure to UV light. EPE films are relatively resistant to temperature changes because of their high thermal stability. Since EPE films are naturally water-resistant, they also have the benefit of moisture resistance. Nevertheless, by adding chemicals or using the right surface treatments, their weather resistance can be further increased.The solar packaging film additive COACE R1120 is characterized by its high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and high transparency. Most users prefer it, and it can significantly extend the life and rate of power generation of EPE film!



Whichever approach you decide on, keep in mind that adding the proper photovoltaic packaging film additives—which are specifically designed for photovoltaic film-level hot melt adhesives—will increase the success rate of photovoltaic packaging film packaging.



COACE has a team of senior engineers and PhD holders who oversee the R&D, manufacture, and servicing of photovoltaic packaging film additives. The majority of consumers use COAS solar packaging film additives because of their high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and high transparency!

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