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What are the functions and advantages of photovoltaic EVA film?

The utilization of photovoltaic (PV) modules is essential for the conversion of solar energy into electrical power. To ensure the long-term performance and dependability of PV modules, the choice of encapsulant materials is of greatest importance. In the solar sector, ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) film has become a popular encapsulant.


The way that Photovoltaic EVA Film Works

Optical Transparency: Offering optical transparency is one of EVA film’s main purposes. The film’s high clarity design enables the solar cells inside the module to receive the most light possible. This facilitates effective solar absorption and raises the PV system’s total power production.

Adhesion and Encapsulation: EVA film serves as an encapsulant, forming a protective covering that clings to the module’s front glass and the solar cells. By forming a hermetic barrier, it keeps moisture out and shields the cells from outside influences including humidity, dust, and mechanical stress.

Electrical Insulation: EVA film has exceptional qualities for electrical insulation. It serves as an insulator, guarding against electrical short circuits and guaranteeing the PV module operates as intended. Moreover, the low dielectric constant of the film reduces the possibility of power losses resulting from capacitive effects inside the module.
Dampening of Vibrations: EVA material has some elasticity and flexibility. This characteristic enables it to absorb and reduce mechanical stresses and vibrations that the module may encounter during installation, transit, or temperature changes. The sensitive solar cells are shielded from any harm by the damping effect.


Benefits of Solar Energy EVA Film

Cost-Effectiveness: PV module encapsulation with EVA film is an affordable option. Its comparatively lower cost as compared to other encapsulant materials lowers the overall cost of producing modules. Conventional lamination processes, which are less sophisticated and more economical than alternative encapsulating methods, can also be used to prepare EVA film.

Durability and Long-Term Performance: PV modules covered in EVA film have shown to have exceptional durability and long-term performance. The film offers dependable defense against environmental factors like moisture, temperature changes, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This guarantees the module’s durability and contributes to sustaining its functionality over time.

EVA film exhibits a high degree of compatibility with a variety of PV module production methods. It is simple to laminate onto the solar cells using hot-press or vacuum laminating methods. Strong bonding between the film, solar cells, and glass is made possible by its exceptional adhesive qualities, which guarantee the structural integrity of the module.

Environmental friendliness: Because of its low toxicity and recyclability, EVA film is regarded as ecologically benign. Its absence of potentially harmful substances like halogens and heavy metals lowers the environmental hazards connected to the manufacture of modules and their disposal at the end of their useful lives. The film may also be recycled, which makes it possible to recover and reuse components and promotes a more sustainable PV sector.



For photovoltaic modules to be efficient, long-lasting, and economically viable, photovoltaic EVA film is essential. Its features, which include electrical insulation, adhesion, optical transparency, encapsulation, and vibration dampening, all support the modules’ long-term dependability and performance. Additionally, the benefits of EVA film—like its affordability, ease of integration with production methods, and eco-friendliness—make it the material of choice for encapsulation in the solar sector. Through the utilization of photovoltaic EVA film’s features and advantages, the solar energy industry may keep moving forward in the direction of a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future.

EVA is the primary ingredient of EVA film, with other additives including thickeners and cross-linking agents serving as a supplement. Due to its low cost and superior packing capabilities, it has been the material of choice for solar module packaging. However, because of its apparent PID fault (potential potential induced decay), it has a limited lifetime.

We must apply the proper photovoltaic packaging film additives (specifically applied to photovoltaic film-level hot melt adhesives) in order to increase the success rate of photovoltaic packaging film encapsulation.

The yield of photovoltaic panels is significantly impacted by the adhesion between solar silicon crystal panels and photovoltaic packaging sheets. Adding chemicals to solar packaging films is a crucial step in achieving this adherence. The yield will increase when additives are used because the film’s and the solar silicon crystal panel’s adhesion will be more effective.



COACES has a team of senior engineers and doctors that oversee the R&D, manufacture, and servicing of photovoltaic packaging film additives. The company is dedicated to this endeavor. The majority of consumers use COACES R2120 solar packaging film additive because of its high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and high transparency!

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