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Какие методы используются для синтеза полиэтилена, привитого малеиновым ангидридом?

Maleic anhydride (MAH) has been grafted onto polyethylene (PE), resulting in a modified polymer with improved characteristics and a wide range of uses. In order to create polyethylene with maleic anhydride added, MAH functional groups must be added to the PE backbone. The many techniques used to create this modified polymer are thoroughly analyzed in this article. The presentation covers the fundamentals, benefits, drawbacks, and prospective applications of the radical grafting, melt grafting, solution grafting, and reactive extrusion techniques.

Extreme Grafting

A typical technique for creating polyethylene that has been grafted with maleic anhydride is radical grafting. Radical species are created on the PE backbone during this process, and they interact with the MA to create covalent bonds. Through the use of proper initiators, the radical can be initiated thermally, photochemically, or chemically. Usually, the reaction takes place in a solvent or in a melt state. The benefits of radical grafting include simplicity, scalability, and the ability to regulate the degree of grafting by changing reaction parameters. To get rid of any unreacted MAH or initiator residues, nevertheless, additional purification processes would be necessary.

Burning grafting

Melt grafting is a technique for creating melt-state polyethylene that has been grafted with maleic anhydride. The grafting reaction is facilitated by this method, which involves mixing PE and MA and subjecting them to high temperatures and shear forces. Because melt grafting doesn’t require solvents and enables continuous processing, it has advantages. It enables direct processing of the modified polymer and provides considerable control over the degree of grafting. The high processing temperatures and shear forces could, however, cause the polymer to degrade and have an impact on the final product’s qualities.

Grafting solutions

In solution grafting, polyethylene is dissolved in an appropriate solvent before reacting with maleic anhydride. With this technique, it is possible to better regulate the grafting degree and reaction conditions. The success of the grafting procedure is greatly influenced by the solvent selection. Toluene, xylene, tetrahydrofuran (THF), and chloroform are examples of frequently used solvents. The benefit of solution grafting is enhanced reaction kinetics, decreased degradation, and the potential for precipitation or solvent exchange to purify the transformed polymer. However, extra actions are needed to remove the solvent, and there may be safety and environmental concerns related to the use of organic solvents.

Extrusion in Reaction

For the continuous and effective synthesis of polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride, reactive extrusion is used. PE and MAH are fed into an extruder in this process, where they melt, mix, and react at the same time. Excellent control over the reaction conditions, such as temperature, residence duration, and shear pressures, is provided by reactive extrusion. It enables the modified polymer to be processed directly into different forms, including pellets, films, or fibers. Large-scale production benefits from reactive extrusion, which also gives the possibility of in-line polymer modification during processing. To balance the grafting efficiency and probable polymer degradation, careful tuning is necessary.

The synthesis of polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride encompasses various methods, each with its advantages and limitations. Radical grafting, melt grafting, solution grafting, and reactive extrusion are commonly employed techniques for introducing MAH functional groups onto the PE backbone. These methods offer control over the grafting degree, scalability, and the ability to process the modified polymer directly. The choice of synthesis method depends on factors such as desired grafting efficiency, reaction conditions, process requirements, and the desired properties of the final product. Researchers and engineers can modify the characteristics of polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride to fit a variety of applications, including adhesives, coatings, compatibilizers, and functional materials, by comprehending and efficiently employing these synthesis processes. The synthesis methods will be improved with more research and development in this area, which will also increase the uses for this adaptable modified polymer.

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