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Каковы основные факторы, влияющие на эксплуатационные характеристики модифицированного нейлона?

Reinforcement, toughening, flame retardancy, wear resistance, and some unique properties, such as antistatic, aging resistance, etc. are the key characteristics of modified nylon materials. Since modified nylon is so adaptable, it will be used everywhere. What then are the primary elements that have an impact on the functionality of modified nylon materials?

1. The impact of chemical composition

Damage to polymer materials consists solely of chemical bonds on the polymer main chain breaking or the contact force between polymer chains being destroyed. As a result, the main chain’s chemical bonds and the molecular forces that interact with one another give nylon 66 its strength. Increasing the polymer content The material’s strength may be raised by the polarity or hydrogen bonding. The strength of a material increases with the density of its hydrogen bonds; conversely, if the polar groups are too dense, which prevents polymer chain scission, the material will still be stronger but become brittle.

2. Copolymerization and mixing effects

One major way to enhance the characteristics of polymers is through blending and copolymerization. Copolymerization and blending can be used to improve processing efficiency, cut costs, or improve application performance, which has garnered a lot of interest. Different components are primarily integrated through physical effects in modified nylon materials. Strong shear during melting and mixing may disrupt macromolecules and produce a small number of free radicals that lead to the formation of blocks. Alternatively, you may use a graft copolymer, incorporate a compatibilizer into the mixture, or add a tiny bit of chemical bonding.Graft copolymerization, block copolymerization, and blending are methods for modifying the mechanical properties of modified nylon materials. These methods depend on a number of variables, including the dispersed phase’s content, particle size, and grafting rate.

3. The effect of supplements

The breaking strength of a material will drop after adding specific modifiers because the interactions between the polymers will be lessened. It can lessen the material’s strength and does so in direct proportion to the amount of modifier added. yield strength, increasing the material’s toughness. The filler’s own strength and their affinity are related to the strength of the modified nylon material. One kind is inert filler, which is utilized to cut costs but just dilutes, weakening the strength of the modified nylon material.The other kind is active fillers, which are mostly used to increase the durability of materials made of modified nylon. Due to its benefits of high strength and low cost, glass fiber created today has become a widely utilized fiber reinforced filler.
COACE adheres to the business philosophy of “Quality, Innovation and Globalization”, tailors modified engineering plastics with more market competitiveness and price differentiation for customers, and provides complete after-sales service and technical support.

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