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Какие ключевые свойства высокобарьерной соэкструдированной пленки позволяют использовать ее для упаковки фармацевтической продукции?

Due to the outstanding qualities that it possesses, high barrier coextruded film has become the packaging solution of choice for pharmaceutical pharmaceutical products. Within the scope of this essay, we will investigate and talk about the primary characteristics of high barrier coextruded film that make it ideal for use in pharmaceutical packaging. Through an analysis of several aspects, including barrier performance, chemical compatibility, stability, safety, and regulatory compliance, we are able to acquire an understanding of the reasons behind the widespread utilization of this film in the pharmaceutical business for the purpose of safeguarding and maintaining the integrity of delicate pharmaceuticals.

Характеристики барьеров

The exceptional barrier performance of high barrier coextruded film is one of the key reasons why it is preferred for use in pharmaceutical packaging. The film functions as a strong barrier against oxygen, moisture, light, and other environmental elements that have the potential to undermine the efficacy and stability of pharmaceutical goods. The film serves to retain the potency, shelf life, and quality of pharmaceuticals by limiting the intrusion of oxygen and moisture. This ensures that the medications continue to be safe and effective over the entirety of their intended lifespan.


Химическая совместимость

The high barrier coextruded film has an exceptional level of chemical compatibility with medicinal formulations. Specifically, it is designed to be non-reactive and inert, which guarantees that it will not interact with the drug product or have a negative impact on it. Because it inhibits any leaching, migration, or change of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) or excipients, this characteristic is extremely important because it ensures that the medication maintains its therapeutic efficacy and safety.


Pharmaceutical items need to be protected from external elements that can cause degradation or change in order to reach their full potential. By protecting pharmaceuticals from potentially hazardous ultraviolet radiation, moisture, and oxygen, high barrier coextruded film provides an extraordinary level of substance stability. In order to safeguard light-sensitive pharmaceuticals and prevent photodegradation, the film has UV-blocking layers. This helps to ensure that the medications retain their effectiveness. As a result of the barrier qualities of the film, the danger of moisture-induced deterioration or hydrolysis is reduced, which helps to maintain the pharmaceutical formulation’s consistency and integrity over time.


In the pharmaceutical packaging industry, safety is the most important factor to take into mind. In order to conform to severe safety rules and standards, high barrier coextruded film is designed and manufactured. Additionally, it does not contain any potentially hazardous components, such as plasticizers, heavy metals, or other toxic compounds that could potentially seep into the drug. The composition of the film and the production procedures are designed with the patient’s safety in mind. This ensures that the packaging material does not introduce any potential dangers or contaminants to the pharmaceutical product.

Tamper Evidence and Child Resistance

High barrier coextruded film has the capability of including tamper-evident elements, which can be used to improve product security and guard against unwanted access. Additionally, the film can be resistant to children. The tear strips, holographic or printed seals, and blister packaging options are some of the elements that are included here. It is also possible to construct the film so that it can provide child-resistant packaging, which protects pharmaceuticals from being accidentally consumed by young children. The overall safety and compliance of pharmaceutical packaging is improved by the presence of these tamper-evident and child-resistant characteristics.


Printability and Branding

Высокобарьерная соэкструдированная пленка has good printability, which enables the printing of essential information such as product data, dosing directions, lot numbers, and expiration dates in a way that is both legible and accurate. The smooth surface of the film assures that printing will be of a high quality, which enables pharmaceutical businesses to properly transmit vital information to healthcare professionals and end-users. There is also the possibility of incorporating components of branding, which will improve product awareness and distinctiveness in the existing market.

Compliance with Regulations

The packaging of pharmaceuticals must be in accordance with particular regulatory criteria. In order to comply with industry-specific laws, high barrier coextruded film is developed to meet the requirements of regulatory agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and other global authorities. Due to the fact that the film complies with rules, pharmaceutical businesses are able to use it with complete assurance for the purpose of packaging their products without having to worry about breaking any restrictions or encountering any obstacles.

The conclusion is that high barrier coextruded film possesses critical qualities that ensure it is very suitable for use in the packaging of medicinal products. Its superior barrier performance, chemical compatibility, stability, safety, tamper evidence, printability, and regulatory compliance are all in line with the demanding standards that are imposed by the pharmaceutical sector. By selecting high barrier coextruded film, pharmaceutical producers are able to guarantee the integrity, safety, and efficacy of their products across the supply chain. This, in turn, contributes to improved patient outcomes and regulatory compliance.

It is necessary to add some adhesive layers between the base layer resins and the functional layer resins in order to create a “integrated” composite membrane. This is because the base layer resins and functional layer resins have a low affinity for one another.

As a result of the presence of vinyl acetate monomer in the molecular chain of the primary material that makes up K2B from Coais, the crystallinity of polyethylene is decreased, and the heat sealing performance of the composite film is further improved.

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