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Каковы области применения малеиновых ангидридных соединительных агентов в полимерной промышленности?

Maleic anhydride coupling agents are essential in the polymer sector since they have several uses and advantages. Through enhanced adhesion, compatibility, and dispersion, these compounds are utilized to improve the performance and characteristics of polymers.

1. Introduction to Coupling Agents for Maleic Anhydride

Maleic anhydride coupling agents are substances with maleic anhydride groups linked to the polymer backbone. They are often referred to as maleic anhydride grafted polymers or maleated polymers. These substances serve as a bridge between various polymers or between polymers and other materials, promoting bonding and enhancing functionality.

2.Enhancing Polymer Composite Adhesion

Polymer composites are one of the main fields in which maleic anhydride coupling agents are used. These substances enhance the bond between the polymer matrix and the fillers or fibers that serve as reinforcement. Maleic anhydride coupling agents improve the interfacial adhesion by creating covalent connections with both the polymer and the reinforcing material. This improves the mechanical characteristics and overall performance of the composite.

3. Making Polymer Blends More Compatible

Because polymer mixes’ molecular structures and polarities differ, they frequently have trouble blending together. Coupling agents made of maleic anhydride can be used to increase the compatibility of various polymers in blends. These compounds react with the polymer chains to form chemical bridges that encourage intermolecular interactions and improve the miscibility of the blend’s constituent parts. As a result, the polymer blend’s mechanical qualities, thermal stability, and processing traits are enhanced.

4. Improving Filler and Pigment Dispersion

The dispersion of fillers and pigments in polymer-based materials is essential for obtaining the desired characteristics and aesthetics. In polymer matrices, maleic anhydride coupling agents can enhance the dispersion of fillers and colors. These substances avoid agglomeration and provide uniform dispersion throughout the polymer matrix by building solid bonds with the filler or pigment particles. As a result, the finished product has better mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, and color stability.

5. Supporting Crosslinking and Reactive Processing

Coupling agents made of maleic anhydride are often employed in the reactive processing and crosslinking of polymers. These substances have the ability to interact with functional groups found in polymer chains, causing covalent connections to form and crosslinking to occur. The polymer’s mechanical, chemical, and thermal stability are improved as a result. In reactive processing, maleic anhydride coupling agents also serve as compatibilizers, allowing the addition of reactive additives or monomers to the polymer matrix.

6. Improving Flame Resistance

Many polymer applications demand flame retardancy as a crucial criterion. Coupling agents made of maleic anhydride can be utilized to improve the flame-retardant capabilities of polymers. These substances enhance their dispersion and compatibility inside the polymer matrix by interacting with flame retardant additives. The polymer is safer in areas where fires are likely to occur as a consequence of better flame retardancy and decreased smoke production.


7. Additional Utilizations

Maleic anhydride coupling agents are used in several additional sectors of the polymer industry in addition to the aforementioned ones. These include changing the surface characteristics of polymers for improved printability or paintability, strengthening the performance of adhesives and sealants, and improving the adherence of coatings and paints. These coupling agents are fundamental to the creation and advancement of polymer-based materials due to their adaptability and potency.

Maleic anhydride coupling agents have several uses in the polymer sector, to sum up. These agents are essential for boosting the performance and attributes of polymers, from strengthening adhesion and compatibility to promoting dispersion and flame retardancy. They are a crucial component in the creation of cutting-edge polymer-based products because of their adaptability and efficiency.

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