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W5D Polyolefin Elastomer Grafting Glycidyl Mathacrylate Plastic Additives Used in ABS/PC, PBT/PC System

Номер модели: W5D


W5D - прививочный полимер, содержащий функциональные группы глицидилового эфира, олефиновый сополимер в качестве матричного материала, обладающий высокой реакционной способностью.
производительность Численное значение Метод испытания
плотность 0,92 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt flow rate(190ºC/2.16kg) 10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание группы Expoxy высокая Coace Method1
влажность ≤0,3 % Галогенное экспресс-определение влажности
Описание товара


For usage in ABS/PC and PBT/PC systems, the W5D Polyolefin Elastomer Grafting Glycidyl Methacrylate (GMA) plastic additives were created particularly. These additives provide a variety of advantages and functions that improve the final plastic goods’ functionality and performance.
In ABS/PC and PBT/PC systems, the W5D Polyolefin Elastomer Grafting GMA plastic additives function as compatibilizers and impact modifiers. Due to the special structure of these additives, they may graft onto the polyolefin elastomer backbone and offer great compatibility with the ABS/PC and PBT/PC matrices. With better additive dispersion inside the polymer matrix due to this compatibility, the mechanical characteristics and impact resistance are increased.

W5D polyester compatibilizer is POE-based material by introducing strong polar reactive group GMA (glycidyl methacrylate), so that the material has high polarity and reactivity, which can be used for flame retardant, reinforcement, enhancement The modification of polyester materials such as toughness, filling, etc. can effectively improve the compatibility of composite materials and the dispersion of fillers, and improve product performance. It can also be used as a compatibilizer for ABS/PC, PBT/PC and other alloys. This compatibilizer has obvious advantages for PBT flame retardant and fiber addition

W5D является прививочный полимер, содержащий глицидиловый эфир функциональных групп, олефин сополимер в качестве матричного материала, высокая реакционная способность.W5D полиэфирный совместитель является POE основе материала путем введения сильной полярной реакционной группы GMA (глицидилметакрилат), так что материал имеет высокую полярность и реакционную способность, которая может быть использована для огнезащиты, усиления, повышения Модификация полиэфирных материалов, таких как прочность, наполнение и т.д. может эффективно улучшить совместимость композиционных материалов и дисперсии наполнителей, и улучшить характеристики продукта. Он также может быть использован в качестве компатибилизатора для ABS/PC, PBT/PC и других сплавов. Этот компатибилизатор имеет очевидные преимущества для огнезащиты ПБТ и добавления волокон.


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производительность Численное значение Метод испытания
плотность 0,92 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt flow rate(190ºC/2.16kg) 10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание группы Expoxy высокая Coace Method1
влажность ≤0,3 % Галогенное экспресс-определение влажности


  • As polar reactive sites, the maleic anhydride functional groups in W5D can form covalent connections with polar substrates like polyesters, nylon, or cellulose fibers. This can lessen phase separation and mechanical degradation, which frequently happen in polymer blends, and increase adhesion and compatibility between the various polymers.
  • As GMA possesses an epoxide group that may react with amines, carboxylic acids, or other functional groups to produce crosslinked networks or chemical grafts, its addition to W5D can further improve the material’s polarity and reactivity.
  • In many polymer applications, such as flame retardant compounds, thermoplastic elastomers, or fiber-reinforced composites, W5D can therefore be utilized as a compatibilizer, coupling agent, or reinforcing agent. It can enhance the finished product’s processability, flame resistance, and mechanical qualities.


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Типичные применения

1. Может использоваться в качестве компатибилизатора для PBT, PC, PET и стекловолокна.

2. Может использоваться в качестве упрочняющего агента для PBT и PC.

3. Может использоваться как совместитель сплавов PBT / PC;

Applications area

The W5D Polyolefin Elastomer Grafting GMA plastic additives have a wide range of uses in a number of different industries, such as consumer products, electronics, and transportation. In particular, these additives are appropriate for ABS/PC and PBT/PC systems used in the production of:
1. vehicle Components: The W5D additives are perfect for vehicle components, such as interior trim pieces, instrument panels, and exterior body parts, due to their better compatibility and increased impact resistance. Even in high-impact conditions, these additives guarantee the end goods’ toughness and safety.
2. Electronic Enclosures: The W5D additives are ideal for electronic enclosures and housings due to their outstanding processability and thermal stability. The mechanical and thermal resistance of the plastic are enhanced by these additives, assuring the security and durability of electronic components.

3. Consumer Products: W5D Polyolefin Elastomer Grafting GMA plastic additives are also utilized in the production of consumer products including toys, sporting goods, and home appliances. These additives improve the plastic’s impact resistance and processability, producing products that are reliable and of high quality.


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