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W1P-2 ангидридно-модифицированный этилен-пропилен-диен-мономерный эластомер

Номер модели: W1P-2


Coace® W1P-2 - это модифицированный ангидридами этилен-пропилен-диен-мономерный эластомер. Это модифицированный эластомер с хорошими характеристиками по противоусталостной стойкости и стойкости к старению.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 0.1-0.6 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt%

Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.

Описание товара


The high-performance material anhydride modified ethylene propylene diene monomer elastomer offers remarkable qualities and adaptability. Due to its distinctive qualities and advantages, this product is widely employed in a variety of sectors.

The ethylene propylene diene monomer elastomer with anhydride modification is especially created to offer exceptional resistance to heat, weathering, and chemicals. Due to its exceptional elasticity, it is the best option for applications that call for both flexibility and durability. This elastomer is useful for electrical and electronic applications because to its remarkable electrical insulation qualities. Additionally, its anhydride alteration improves its adhesive qualities, enabling solid bonding with a variety of substrates.

Coace® W1P-2 - это модифицированный ангидридами этилен-пропилен-диен-мономерный эластомер. Это модифицированный эластомер с хорошими характеристиками по противоусталостной стойкости и стойкости к старению.

One approach to improve anti-fatigue properties is to add reinforcing fillers such as carbon black, silica, or clay to the elastomer. These fillers improve the stiffness and strength of the material, reducing the deformation caused by cyclic loading, which can lead to cracking and failure over time. Crosslinking agents such as peroxides or sulfur can also be added to the elastomer to improve its resistance to fatigue.

To improve aging resistance, stabilizers and antioxidants can be incorporated into the elastomer formulation. These additives help prevent degradation of the material due to exposure to heat, UV light, and oxygen, which can cause the elastomer to become brittle and lose its mechanical properties over time.

Other methods to improve the performance of elastomers include using novel polymer chemistries and processing techniques, such as reactive extrusion or injection molding. These methods can produce elastomers with unique properties, such as high strength, toughness, or flexibility, while also improving their resistance to fatigue and aging.

Modified elastomers with good performance on anti-fatigue and aging resistance can be achieved through a variety of methods, including the incorporation of reinforcing fillers, crosslinking agents, and other additives.

A flexible and high-performance material with remarkable heat resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance, flexibility, and electrical insulating qualities is the anhydride modified ethylene propylene diene monomer elastomer. Its special mix of attributes makes it appropriate for a number of sectors, including the automotive, building, electrical, and chemical processing industries. To ensure dependable performance and lifetime, use this elastomer in your applications.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 0.1-0.6 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt%

Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.


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• To be used as impact modifiers for PA6, PA66, and polyamide base fire retardant compounds masterbatch.

• To be used as compatibilizers to improve the compatibility between polyamide and polypropylene, or polyethylene.

1. Automotive sector: In the automotive sector, the anhydride-modified ethylene propylene diene monomer elastomer is widely used for a variety of applications, such as seals, gaskets, hoses, and weatherstripping. It is useful for engine parts, fuel systems, and external seals because to its resistance to heat, weathering, and chemicals.
2. The construction sector uses this elastomer extensively for roofing materials, waterproofing membranes, and seals. It offers enduring performance in demanding outdoor conditions thanks to its weathering resistance, flexibility, and durability.

3. Electrical and Electronic Industry: For insulation reasons, the electrical and electronic industry uses ethylene propylene diene monomer elastomers that have been anhydride modified. Cables, connections, and electrical components are shielded from electrical currents and the environment thanks to the dependable electrical insulation it offers.
4. Chemical Processing sector: Due to its outstanding chemical resistance, this elastomer is appropriate for use in the chemical processing sector. In chemical storage tanks, pipelines, and processing machinery, it can be utilized for gaskets, seals, and linings.





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