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W1G-F Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene elastomer with good stability and aging resistance.

Номер модели: W1G-F


Coace ® W1G-F is an anhydride modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene elastomer with good stability and aging resistance.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Плотность 0.90 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 20-40 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Styrene content 20 % /
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]
Цвет Белый / /

Note[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4-0.8wt%); High(0.81-1.2wt%);Very high(1.21-3wt%).

Описание товара


Coace®W1G-F is an anhydride modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene elastomer with good stability and aging resistance.It has excellent adhesion properties to various substrates, including metals, plastics, and rubbers. An extremely stable and aging-resistant material, W1G-F Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene (SEBS) elastomer is a high-performance substance.

This product offers higher performance, benefits, and applications since it was particularly created to satisfy the stringent criteria of many sectors. The W1G-F SEBS elastomer is a dependable option for a variety of applications thanks to its distinct features.


Coace®W1G-F is commonly used in the production of adhesives, sealants, and coatings for automotive, construction, and industrial applications. Its anhydride modification improves its heat resistance and enhances its curing properties, making it an ideal choice for high-temperature applications. Additionally, its excellent resistance to weathering, ozone, and UV radiation ensures its long-term durability and reliability.


With its high functioning, the W1G-F SEBS elastomer is suited for a wide range of applications. It has a remarkable degree of elasticity, which enables it to survive repeated compression and stretching without losing its form or mechanical qualities. Additionally, this elastomer has exceptional thermal resilience, continuing to function even under settings of extremely high temperature. It is also extremely durable in tough conditions thanks to its exceptional resistance to chemicals, oils, and solvents.


Anhydride Modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene (SEBS) elastomer: an adaptable, high-performing material that combines the advantages of anhydride modification with the remarkable qualities of SEBS. Excellent elasticity, increased adhesion, improved thermal stability, and exceptional chemical resistance are just a few of its properties that make it a great option for a variety of applications in the consumer goods, automotive, electronics, and construction industries.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Плотность 0.90 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 20-40 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Styrene content 20 % /
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]
Цвет Белый / /

Note[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4-0.8wt%); High(0.81-1.2wt%);Very high(1.21-3wt%).

  • Versatile Material Compatibility: The SEBS elastomer modified by anhydride shows good compatibility with a variety of polymers, such as engineering plastics and polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polystyrene (PS). This benefit makes it possible to create compounds and blends that are specifically suited to a given application’s needs while also providing improved performance characteristics.
  • Improved Processability: The elastomer’s anhydride alteration makes it more processable, which makes molding, extrusion, and melt processing more effective. This benefit lowers manufacturing costs, boosts output, and permits complicated part shapes, which improve manufacturing effectiveness and shorten time-to-market.
  • Greater Impact Resistance: The SEBS elastomer that has been treated with anhydride has superior impact resistance since it absorbs and releases energy when it is struck. Because of this property, it can be used in applications like car bumpers, athletic goods, and footwear bottoms that need shock absorption, vibration isolation, and protection against mechanical impact.
  • Outstanding Weatherability: The elastomer has outstanding resistance to weather, retaining its physical characteristics and appearance even after extended exposure to UV rays, ozone, and severe weather. Because of this benefit, it’s the best option for outdoor applications including automotive weatherstripping, gaskets, roofing membranes, and seals.

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1.To be used as a compatibilizer for polyolefin, PPO/PA and other alloys.

2.To be used as a macromolecular coupling agent for minerals, glass fibers and other inorganic substances

3.The W1G-F Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene elastomer has great functionality, benefits, and applications. It also has good stability and aging resistance. Because of its exceptional stability, aging resistance, adaptability, and improved performance, it is a dependable option for many sectors. The W1G-F SEBS elastomer guarantees durable and effective products, whether in automotive, construction, medical, or consumer goods applications.







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