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Прозрачная цветная частица, содержащая эпоксидную группу сополимера стирола/бутадиена и совместитель полиэфирного сплава PBT/ABS

Номер модели: BDC


BDC представляет собой стирол-бутадиеновый сополимер, содержащий эпоксидные группы и имеющий желтоватый цвет.
Производительность Численное значение Метод испытания
Плотность 1,02 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость потока расплава(220℃/5кг) 2,0-5,0 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание эпоксидной группы Высокая Метод COACE1
Влажность ≤0,3 % Галогенный экспресс-определитель влажности
Описание товара


BDC is a styrene-butadiene copolymer containing epoxy groups with a yellowish appearance. It is used as compatibilizer for Styrene, butadiene copolymer and polyester alloy.

The new transparent color particle improves compatibility, transparency, and mechanical qualities in polymer blends by containing an epoxy group of styrene/butadiene copolymer and PBT/ABS polyester alloy compatibilizer. It offers substantial advantages for the manufacture of transparent plastic products, optical devices, and aesthetically pleasing components because of its epoxy group functionalization, outstanding compatibility with the styrene/butadiene copolymer, and specific application in PBT/ABS polyester alloys. This cutting-edge technology offers a dependable and adaptable way to achieve optimal mix performance in a variety of sectors where functionality and transparency are critical.


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Application of BDC in PBT/ABS Alloy

Производительность Единица 65%ABS+35%PBT 65%ABS+30%PBT+5%BDC 65%ABS+25%PBT+5%BDC+5%High rubber powder
tensile strength Мпа 49 45
tensile rate % 25 33
Прочность на изгиб Мпа 71 38
Модуль упругости Мпа 2259 2125
Ударная прочность по надрезу Изода Дж/м 80 120

Примечание:PBT Taiwan Changchun 1100 -211 M    ABS Petro China 021 5 A

It can be seen from the above table that PBT/ABS alloys without BDC are incompatible. After adding 5% BDC, PBT/ABS alloys can be successfully produced, and adding 5% high rubber powder can better improve the alloy properties of PBT/ABS.

BDC представляет собой стирол-бутадиеновый сополимер, содержащий эпоксидные группы и имеющий желтоватый цвет.

  • Epoxy Group Functionalization: By reacting with the polymer matrix, the transparent color particle’s epoxy groups improve interfacial adhesion and compatibility. The blend’s stability and general performance are enhanced by this functionalization.
  • Styrene/Butadiene Copolymer: The transparent color particle’s copolymer component offers outstanding compatibility and adherence with the polymer matrix. It provides effective blending of the various components and helps the particle disperse inside the blend.
  • PBT/ABS Polyester Alloy: PBT/ABS polyester alloys are specifically made to use the transparent color particle as a compatibilizer. It takes care of the acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) phases’ intrinsic immiscibility, which makes it possible to create a homogenous blend with better qualities.


Enhanced Compatibility: The styrene/butadiene copolymer and PBT/ABS polyester alloy have compatibility problems that are resolved by the transparent color particle, which functions as a very powerful compatibilizer. It enhances the compatibility of the blend and encourages interfacial adhesion, which improves mechanical qualities and overall performance.

Increased Transparency: By adding the transparent color particle, the blend’s optical clarity is improved, making it possible to create goods that are either transparent or translucent. Its remarkable transparency is achieved without sacrificing the material’s mechanical or thermal characteristics, which makes it appropriate for applications that need both practicality and beauty.

Enhanced Mechanical capabilities: The transparent color particle greatly enhances mechanical capabilities including tensile strength, impact resistance, and flexural strength by maximizing the compatibility of the blend. As a result, the material becomes stronger and more resilient, making it ideal for demanding applications.


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It is used as compatibilizer for Styrene, butadiene copolymer and polyester alloy. It can be used in PBT/ABS Alloy

Характеристики применения:

Clear Plastic goods: Applications requiring clear or translucent plastic goods are best suited for the transparent color particle. It may be utilized to create both aesthetically pleasing and useful components in a variety of industries, such as packaging, consumer products, electronics, and automobiles.

Optical Devices: The transparent color particle is used in optical devices including screens, light guides, and lenses because of its increased transparency. Its superior light transmission qualities combined with mechanical integrity make it the material of choice for optical applications.

Aesthetic Elements: The translucent color particle enables the production of colorful, aesthetically beautiful elements. It can be applied to the development of colored transparent or translucent elements, enhancing the visual attractiveness of items in the interior design, home appliances, and consumer electronics industries.

Customization: To satisfy particular application needs, the transparent color particle and its compatibilizer qualities can be altered. The product can be optimized for various polymer blends and required qualities by varying its formulation and particle size, hence guaranteeing optimal performance in any application.



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