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Прозрачные белые частицы гранул ангидридно-модифицированного полипропилена с меньшим содержанием модификаторов запаха связующее вещество для композиционных соединений ПП/ГФ

Номер модели: B2


B2 получают реактивной прививкой малеинового ангидрида к полипропилену
Индекс плавления 80-120
Количество прививок Средний
плотность 0,92 г/см³
производительность Данный продукт представляет собой пропеновый полимер с функционализированным малеиновым ангидридом, который особенно подходит для армирования и компатибилизации минерального волокна PP и стекловолокна
Описание товара

Product Introduction of the B2

B2 is prepared by reactive grafting of maleic anhydride onto polypropylene. Due to the introduction of a strongly polar side group  maleanhydride) in the main chain of polypropylene, Therefore, maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene can be a bridge to improve the adhesion and compatibility of polar and nonpolar materials.

As a polymer material for PP/GF composite compounds, Translucent White Granules, an anhydride modified polypropylene with a decreased odor modifier coupling agent, offer great value and performance. These anhydride-modified polypropylene granules improve interfacial adhesion, add visual appeal, and perform very well in a variety of applications because to their reduced odor modifier content, translucent white appearance, and superior mechanical qualities.

Better mechanical qualities, less smell, more aesthetic appeal, and a wider range of applications in sectors including automotive, electrical and electronic, appliances, and industrial components can be attained by integrating these granules into their production processes. The outstanding qualities and benefits of the granules make them an appealing option for producers looking to enhance user experience, performance, and aesthetics in their applications involving PP/GF composite compounds.

Table1: Typical Data of Reinforcing of PP Glass Fiber

Производительность Единица PP+30%GF PP+30%GF+5%B2
Прочность на разрыв МПа 45 80
Прочность на изгиб МПа 70 120
Ударная прочность с надрезом Lzod (23℃) Дж/м 60 110

Table2:Typical Data of Reinforcing of PP Mineral Fiber

Производительность Единица PP+TD20% PP+TD20%+5%B2
Прочность на разрыв МПа 28 33
Прочность на изгиб МПа 50 60
Ударная прочность с надрезом Lzod (23℃) Дж/м 50 40


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Этот продукт представляет собой полимер пропена с функционализированным малеиновым ангидридом, который особенно подходит для армирования и компатибилизации минерального волокна PP и стекловолокна.

  • Anhydride Modified Polypropylene: The anhydride-modified polypropylene matrix of the transparent white granules improves the mechanical properties of the resulting composite compounds by increasing the interfacial adhesion between polypropylene and glass fiber.
  • Lower Odor Modifiers: The granules’ formulation includes lower odor modifiers to lessen the disagreeable smell that polypropylene-based materials are often known for. This function guarantees a more comfortable workplace and improves the processing experience for the user.
  • Translucent White Appearance: The granules’ translucent white appearance gives the finished product a pleasing visual appeal. This feature is very helpful in applications where a neat and pleasant appearance is required.
  • Excellent Mechanical Properties: The transparent white granules have great stiffness, strength, and resistance to impact, among other excellent mechanical properties. Improved performance and durability in demanding applications are guaranteed by this feature.


Enhanced Interfacial Adhesion: In PP/GF composite compounds, the interfacial adhesion between polypropylene and glass fiber is improved by the anhydride-modified polypropylene matrix in the translucent white granules. Improved mechanical qualities, such as greater tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact resistance, are the outcome of this improved adhesion.

Diminished Odor: The granules’ lower odor modifiers lessen the disagreeable smell that is generally connected to goods made of polypropylene. This function improves the working environment, giving operators and end users greater comfort both during production and in the finished product.

Visual Appeal: The granules’ translucent white look gives the finished product more visual appeal. It is appropriate for applications where visual aesthetics are crucial, like consumer products, electronics, and automotive components, because of its neat and aesthetically attractive appearance.

Wide Range of Applications: The transparent white granules can be used in a variety of applications that call for PP/GF composite materials. They are ideal for applications in the automotive, electrical and electronic, appliance, and industrial component industries due to their superior mechanical qualities, improved interfacial adhesion, and decreased odor.


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1. It can be used as the PP interface modifier for glass fiber reinforcing and mineral filling to increase the tensile strenth and bending strength.
2. It can be used as PA/PP or PA/PE alloy compatibilizer.
3. It can be used as a compatibilizer between inorganic reinforcing materials (glass fiber) and filling materials (calcium carbonate, talc, etc.) and PP;
4. Can be used as a compatibilizer for PP / nylon alloy:
5. Can be used as wood-plastic compatibilizer;
6. It can be used to improve the adhesion of PP to polar materials (metal, nylon, etc.).



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