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Silane Modified Olefin Copolymer Glass Adhesive

Номер модели: R1020


Высокая прозрачность и низкая точка кристаллизации силан-модифицированного олефинового сополимера фотовольтаической пленки инкапсуляции стеклянного клея
Производительность Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
температура плавления(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Метод КОАСЕ²
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание силана  Высокая Метод КОАСЕ¹
Описание товара


A professional, standardized product, the Silane Modified Olefin Copolymer Glass Adhesive is made to give glass substrates outstanding adhesive and bonding qualities. This glue has special qualities and benefits because it modifies the silane in an olefin copolymer matrix. Strong and long-lasting bonding, moisture and weather resistance, thermal stability, flexible application, and increased design freedom are all made possible by its silane modification, high bond strength, flexibility, compatibility, and moisture resistance. This adhesive’s wide range of applications makes it essential to many different industries, facilitating the building of sturdy and visually pleasing glass structures.


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Производительность Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
температура плавления(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Метод КОАСЕ²
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание силана  Высокая Метод КОАСЕ¹

Примечание: Приведенные выше данные являются типичными тестовыми значениями и не должны интерпретироваться как технические характеристики.

Рекомендуемая дозировка:В соответствии с фактическим применением, с учетом стоимости, соответствующая сумма увеличения или уменьшения.

Упаковка и транспортировка :20 кг пластиковый пакет, в соответствии с неопасных товаров, избегать солнечного света, дождя.

Silane-modified olefin copolymer, mainly used in photovoltaic encapsulation film and Glass adhesive, with high silane content, high transparency, low crystal point and other characteristics.

  • Silane Modification: Adding silane groups to the olefin copolymer matrix improves the product’s adhesive qualities. Excellent adhesion strength and durability are achieved by the silane modification, which encourages chemical bonding between the adhesive and glass surfaces.
  • High Bond Strength: When applied to glass substrates, the Silane Modified Olefin Copolymer Glass Adhesive shows a high bond strength. Strong intermolecular contacts are formed with the glass surface, resulting in a durable bond that can endure a range of mechanical forces and environmental factors.
  • Transparency: When applied, this adhesive preserves the transparency of glass substrates. It is appropriate for applications where optical clarity is crucial, like display panels, optical devices, and architectural glass bonding, because it does not introduce noticeable optical aberrations or haze.
  • Flexibility: Because of the adhesive’s flexibility, bonded materials can experience varying rates of thermal expansion and stress alleviation. It contributes to maintaining the integrity of the bonded glass components by reducing the possibility of cracking or delamination brought on by mechanical or thermal forces.

Robust and Sturdy Bonding: The Silane Modified Olefin Copolymer Glass Adhesive’s strong and stamina provide dependable and long-lasting glass substrate bonding. It offers superior resistance to impact, peeling, and shearing pressures, which improves the structural integrity and functionality of glass assemblies.

Weather and Moisture Resistance: The adhesive’s ability to withstand moisture makes it appropriate for use in humid areas and outside applications. Bonded glass constructions are long-lasting and dependable because it keeps its adhesive strength and performance over time, especially in harsh climates.

Thermal Stability: The Silane Modified Olefin Copolymer Glass Adhesive’s thermal stability is influenced by its flexibility and capacity to withstand differential thermal expansion. It is appropriate for applications exposed to temperature variations since it can tolerate temperature swings without jeopardizing the bond integrity.

Increased Design Flexibility: The Silane Modified Olefin Copolymer Glass Adhesive’s transparency permits the design and construction of visually beautiful glass structures. It gives designers more creative freedom and improves the way glass components look by enabling bonding lines that are transparent or almost undetectable.


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Типовое применение

1. Фотоэлектрическая инкапсуляционная пленка
2. Клей для стекла

The adhesive can be used in a variety of applications due to its compatibility with different types and thicknesses of glass substrates. It can be applied in sectors where glass bonding is necessary, including electronics, optical, construction, and automotive.

It is suitable for the manufacturing of photovoltaic modules using both crystalline silicon and thin-film solar cell technologies. These additives enhance the performance and durability of photovoltaic films used in residential, commercial, and utility-scale installations.



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