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Силанофункциональные добавки для фотоэлектрических POE-пленок

Номер модели: R1020


Coace® R1020 - это модифицированный силаном олефиновый сополимер с высоким содержанием силана, высокой прозрачностью и низкой температурой кристаллизации.
Производительность Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
температура плавления(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Метод КОАСЕ²
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание силана  Высокая Метод КОАСЕ¹
Описание товара


When it comes to improving the efficiency and longevity of photovoltaic modules, silane functional photovoltaic POE film additives provide a variety of distinct qualities, advantages, and benefits. As a result of their enhanced adhesion, resistance to moisture, UV stability, and crosslinking capabilities, the efficiency of the modules improved, the amount of maintenance required decreased, and their lifespan was prolonged. The production of solar modules, building-integrated photovoltaics, and off-grid solar systems are all areas that find applications for these additives due to their compatibility, adaptability, and application flexibility.


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Производительность Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
температура плавления(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Метод КОАСЕ²
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание силана  Высокая Метод КОАСЕ¹

Примечание: Приведенные выше данные являются типичными тестовыми значениями и не должны интерпретироваться как технические характеристики.

Рекомендуемая дозировка:В соответствии с фактическим применением, с учетом стоимости, соответствующая сумма увеличения или уменьшения.

Упаковка и транспортировка :20 кг пластиковый пакет, в соответствии с неопасных товаров, избегать солнечного света, дождя.

  • Silane Coupling Agents: These additives contain silane coupling agents that have both organic and inorganic components at their disposal. Because of its one-of-a-kind composition, the POE film matrix is compatible with this material, which permits robust bonding.
  • Improved Adhesion: Silane functional additives improve the adhesion between the different layers of the solar film, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the film’s integrity and reliability.
  • Resistance to Moisture: These additives contribute to increased resistance to moisture, which helps to prevent water from entering the material and reduces the danger of delamination, corrosion, and electrical degradation.
  • UV Stability: Silane functional additives aid to improve the film’s resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which in turn helps to retain the film’s optical characteristics and power conversion efficiency over time.
  • Capability of Crosslinking: These additives make it easier for crosslinking reactions to take place within the film, which ultimately results in enhanced mechanical characteristics, dimensional stability, and resistance to external stress factors.




Improved Module Performance: The enhanced adhesion and compatibility that these additives provide contribute to an improvement in the overall performance and efficiency of solar modules.
Because of the moisture resistance and crosslinking properties of these additives, the solar film is able to maintain its durability and reliability over an extended period of time, which in turn extends the lifespan of the module.

The use of these additives helps to reduce the amount of maintenance that is required and the costs that are connected with it. This is accomplished by reducing the risk of delamination, corrosion, and electrical degradation from occurring.

Increased energy output and a higher return on investment are the results of improved cost-effectiveness, which is achieved by photovoltaic modules that have been

improved in terms of their durability and performance.
Compatibility with the Environment: Silane functional additives are frequently devoid of harmful compounds and have a lower migration potential, which makes them more ecologically friendly and safer for human health.


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a. Manufacturing of Solar Modules: These additives are utilized during the fabrication of photovoltaic films, the purpose of which is to improve adhesion, moisture resistance, and overall module performance.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): Silane functional additives are useful in BIPV applications, which involve the incorporation of solar panels into building components, such as windows, facades, and roofing, in order to create renewable energy while preserving the integrity of the building’s structure.
c. Off-Grid Solar Systems: These additives contribute to the longevity and dependability of photovoltaic modules that are used in off-grid solar systems, which provide sustainable energy solutions in areas that are not connected to the grid.


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Номер модели: R1020


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