Описание товара
Малеиновый ангидрид, привитый к ПОЭ, - это тип полимера, получаемый путем прививки малеинового ангидрида к полиолефиновому эластомеру (ПОЭ). При этом малеиновый ангидрид вступает в реакцию с ПОЭ в присутствии свободнорадикального инициатора, в результате чего малеиновый ангидрид присоединяется к цепям ПОЭ.
The resulting polymer has both polar (maleic anhydride) and non-polar (POE) segments, which makes it useful for a variety of applications. For example, POE grafted maleic anhydride can be used as a compatibilizer to improve the adhesion between dissimilar polymers in a blend. It can also be used as a coupling agent to enhance the dispersion of inorganic fillers in a polymer matrix.
Coace® W1C-2 is a POE grafted maleic anhydride product.
Our Polyolefin Copolymer Grafted Maleic Anhydride is a very effective impact modifier specifically intended for use in PA6 and PA66 applications. A variety of advantages and benefits provided by this product improve the functionality and longevity of these polymers. It offers superior impact resistance, increased mechanical qualities, and improved processing characteristics because to its special composition.
Our Polyolefin Copolymer Grafted Maleic Anhydride’s main use is to modify the impact of PA6 and PA66. These polymers’ toughness and impact strength are successfully increased, increasing their resistance to cracking, breaking, and deformation. By equally spreading inside the polymer matrix, this impact modifier builds a network of toughening agents that absorb and release energy upon impact.
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Поддержка Послепродажная защита
Поддержка Послепродажная защитаХарактеристика
Характеристики | Значение | Единица | Метод испытания |
Внешний вид | Гранулы | ||
Цвет | Белый или светло-желтый | ||
Плотность | 0.90 | г/см3 | ASTM D792 |
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) | 0.3-1.5 | г/10мин | ASTM D1238 |
Содержание малеинового ангидрида | Средний | wt% | Метод COACE[1] |
Примечания[1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%
1. Increased Impact Resistance: Our product greatly raises the impact resistance of PA6 and PA66, qualifying them for uses requiring high levels of toughness and durability. By lowering the possibility of failure under impact or dynamic loading circumstances, it increases the durability of the finished product.
2. Improved Mechanical Properties: The inclusion of our impact modifier improves the tensile strength, flexural strength, and elongation at break of PA6 and PA66. As a result, materials become stronger and more durable and can survive challenging operating circumstances.Our Polyolefin Copolymer Grafted Maleic Anhydride demonstrates great compatibility with PA6 and PA66, allowing for simple processing and better melt flow.
3. Enhanced Processing Characteristics. By lowering melt viscosity, it makes processing methods like injection molding and extrusion quicker and more effective.
4. Versatile Use: This impact modification can be used for a variety of products, including consumer goods, industrial machinery, automobile parts, and electrical components. It is adaptable to numerous production techniques and can be employed in a variety of forms, including films, fibers, sheets, and molded pieces.
5. Cost-Effective Solution: By enhancing the mechanical strength and impact resistance of PA6 and PA66, our solution aids in lowering the demand for extra reinforcements or additives, saving manufacturers money. It provides an affordable solution without sacrificing performance.
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Схема внутреннего маркетинга
Схема зарубежного маркетинга
1. Используется в качестве модификаторов ударной вязкости для огнезащитных составов на основе PA6, PA66 и полиамида.
2. Используются в качестве компатибилизаторов для улучшения совместимости между полиамидом и полипропиленом или полиэтиленом.
3. Impact modifiers for PA6 and PA66 are incredibly effective when made with our Polyolefin Copolymer Grafted Maleic Anhydride. It has many benefits, including as increased impact resistance, better mechanical qualities, and improved processing features. It is the best option for numerous sectors needing high-performance polymers because of its flexible uses and affordable solution.