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Привитый к полиэтилену малеиновый ангидрид используется в качестве химической добавки для мастербатчей с полиэтиленом

Номер модели: W1H


W1H - это продукт общего назначения HDPE-G-MAH с превосходными комплексными свойствами.
Модель продукта W1H
Внешний вид White or light yellow even granules
Индекс расплава (190°C, 2,16 кг):г/10мин 1.0-4.0
Соотношение прививок Высокая
Описание товара


W1H is a general-purpose HDPE-G-MAH product with excellent comprehensive properties. It contains MAH and has strong plasticity, which can improve the properties of polymerization and matrix minerals, and the surface roughness of inorganic substances, reaching The effect of enhancing the strength of composite materials.

It contains MAH and has strong plasticity, which can improve the properties of polymerization and matrix minerals, and the surface roughness of inorganic substances, reaching The effect of enhancing the strength of composite materials. Which is a type of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that has been modified with maleic anhydride (MAH). The addition of MAH can enhance the performance of the HDPE by improving its mechanical properties, such as strength and toughness, and also its compatibility with other materials.

Based on the statement you provided, it appears that W1H has good overall properties, meaning it performs well across a range of different characteristics, such as mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and durability. It is likely that this makes it a versatile and reliable material for various industrial applications.

If you have any further questions or would like more information, please let me know.

Our Polyethylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride is a high-performance solution developed to improve the characteristics and processability of polyethylene (PE) masterbatches. It is used as a chemical additive for PE masterbatches. For manufacturers and suppliers looking to improve the performance and quality of their masterbatch formulations, this specialist solution offers a wide range of features and benefits.

In PE masterbatch compositions, polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride (PE-g-MAH) provides outstanding value and performance as a chemical addition. This additive fully realizes the potential of PE-based materials with its high grafting efficiency, reactive functionality, compatibility enhancement, and superior processability. Purchasers can achieve increased dispersion, superior mechanical qualities, and diverse uses in various industries, including consumer goods, packaging, automotive, and construction, by including PE-g-MA into their masterbatch compositions.




Модель продукта W1H
Внешний вид White or light yellow even granules
Индекс расплава (190°C, 2,16 кг):г/10мин 1.0-4.0
Соотношение прививок Высокая


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1. Can be used as a compatibilizer for low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant cable materials;

2. It can be used as a surface improver for extruded sheets/plates, which can effectively improve the surface flatness of the material and eliminate the unevenness and pitting on the surface of the material;

3. It can be used as a compatibilizer for polyethylene and glass fiber to promote the compatibility of polyethylene and glass fiber;

4. It can be used as a compatibilizer for masterbatches with PE as a carrier, such as color masterbatches, flame retardant masterbatches, functional masterbatches, etc.;

5. It can be used as a modifier for extending the anti-fog period of anti-fog mulch.

Решения по отраслям

The Polyethylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride, which is a chemical additive for PE masterbatches, has a wide range of uses in the following fields:

Packaging: The qualities of PE masterbatches used in packaging applications, including as films, bags, and containers, must be improved with the use of this specific addition. It increases the final packing items’ mechanical characteristics, consistency of color, and dispersion of additives.

Textiles: The PE masterbatches used in textile applications, such as fibers, textiles, and non-woven materials, can perform better when they are enhanced with polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride. It strengthens the link between the masterbatch and the textile substrate, boosts color fastness, and improves pigment dispersion.

Consumer Goods: This ingredient is essential for enhancing the characteristics of PE masterbatches used in the manufacturing of consumer goods, including as furniture, appliances, and toys. It enhances the masterbatch’s processability, the consistency of the finished goods’ colors, and their mechanical strength.

automobile: PE masterbatches utilized in automobile applications, such as interior components, trim parts, and under-the-hood components, are ideally suited for the polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride. It enhances the mechanical qualities and longevity of the automobile parts by improving compatibility between the masterbatch and the host resin.



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