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Продукты серии Poe из привитого малеинового ангидрида в качестве полимерных добавок, используемых при переработке нейлона

Номер модели: W1


Полиолефиновый эластомер, привитый малеиновым ангидридом W1, является внутренним антистатическим агентом, широко используемым для полиолефиновых пластиков, таких как ПЭ, ПП контейнеры, бочки (мешки), (коробки), полипропиленовые прядения, нетканые полотна. Этот продукт обладает хорошей термостойкостью, антистатический эффект долговечен и эффективен.
Модели изделий W1
Индекс плавления _____
Количество прививок высокая
Плотность 0,88 г/см³
Производительность PA Армированный наполнитель, низкотемпературное упрочнение

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Приведенные выше данные являются типичными значениями испытаний и не должны интерпретироваться как спецификация: низкая 0,8 мас. %.

Описание товара


Polyolefin elastomer grafted maleic anhydride W1 can be added into plastic products directly, and can also be prepared to antistatic masterbatch to combine with blank resin can get a better effect and homogeneity.

Polyolefin elastomer grafted maleic anhydride W1 is a type of internal antistatic agent that is commonly used in polyolefin plastics, including polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) containers, drums, bags, boxes, polypropylene spinning, and non-woven fabrics.

The agent is made by grafting maleic anhydride onto polyolefin elastomer, creating a material that has both polar and non-polar properties. These properties allow it to effectively reduce static electricity build-up in polyolefin plastics, which can be a common problem in many applications.

By reducing static electricity build-up, polyolefin elastomer grafted maleic anhydride W1 can help to improve the performance and durability of plastic products, while also enhancing their appearance and functionality. It is widely used in a variety of industries, including packaging, textiles, and automotive manufacturing, among others.

There are several plastic additives in the Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products that have been especially created for use in the manufacturing of nylon. These additives are designed to improve the functionality and qualities of nylon materials, making them more adaptable and appropriate for a variety of applications.

When processing nylon materials, the Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products work well as plastic additives. They are made to boost the compatibility of the nylon matrix’s various parts, leading to improved mechanical attributes such a higher tensile strength, impact resistance, and heat stability. Additionally, these additives help fillers and reinforcements disperse more effectively, improving dimensional stability and minimizing shrinkage during processing.

Полиолефиновый эластомер, привитый малеиновым ангидридом W1, является внутренним антистатическим агентом, широко используемым для полиолефиновых пластиков, таких как ПЭ, ПП контейнеры, бочки (мешки), (коробки), полипропиленовые прядения, нетканые полотна. Этот продукт обладает хорошей термостойкостью, антистатический эффект долговечен и эффективен.


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Модели изделий W1
Индекс плавления _____
Количество прививок высокая
Плотность 0,88 г/см³
Производительность PA Армированный наполнитель, низкотемпературное упрочнение

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Приведенные выше данные являются типичными значениями испытаний и не должны интерпретироваться как спецификация: низкая 0,8 мас. %.



  • Improved Mechanical qualities: Nylon materials’ mechanical qualities are markedly improved by the Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products. These additives improve the interfacial adhesion between the polymer matrix and fillers/reinforcements, which increases the final product’s tensile strength, impact resistance, and general durability.
  • Increased Heat Stability: The effectiveness of nylon materials in a variety of applications depends on their heat stability. Because of the superior heat resistance of the Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products, nylon fabrics can tolerate high temperatures without losing their structural integrity.
  • Greater Dimensional Stability: The processing of nylon materials frequently results in dimensional changes that cause shrinkage and warping. By enhancing the dispersion of fillers and reinforcements and resulting in greater dimensional stability and less shrinkage, the use of these additives aids in minimizing such problems.
  • Improved Processing Effectiveness: The Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products are made to increase the effectiveness of processing nylon materials. They improve overall processability by lowering the viscosity of the polymer melt and facilitating improved melt flow. For manufacturers, this results in higher production and cost effectiveness.

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1.Used for nylon. Processing, reduce water absorption

2.Used as compatibilizer for nylon, polypropylene and polyethylene mixed alloy

3.Used for PA6/PA66 compatibility, toughening, etc. Improve the impact resistance of d for nylon macromolecular modifier (coupling agent) for mineral and glass fiber filling.

Прикладная промышленность

The Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products have a wide range of uses in a number of sectors that utilize nylon materials. Key applications include the following:

1. The automotive industry: These additives are frequently employed in the production of parts for automobiles, including engine covers, fuel tanks, and interior trim. These additives guarantee the endurance and performance of these components under challenging circumstances because to their improved mechanical qualities and thermal stability.

2. Electrical & Electronics: Because of their superior insulating qualities, nylon materials are frequently employed in electrical and electronic applications. Nylon is now more heat resistant and dimensionally stable thanks to the Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products, making it ideal for uses like cable insulation, connections, and circuit boards.

3. Consumer products: The enhanced mechanical qualities and processing effectiveness provided by these additives can be advantageous for nylon-based consumer products such as sporting equipment, home appliances, and furniture. Even with frequent use, they guarantee the durability and dependability of these items.

4. Industrial Uses: Nylon materials are widely employed in several industrial uses, such as conveyor belts, packaging materials, and equipment parts. These industrial components’ performance and toughness are improved by the Poe Grafted Maleic Anhydride Series Products, assuring their dependability under challenging conditions.





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