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POE привитый GMA полиэфирный совместитель

Номер модели: W5A


POE привитый GMA полиэфирный компатибилизатор. W5A придает материалу высокую полярность и реакционную способность, и может быть использован для модификации полиэфирных материалов, таких как огнезащита, армирование, упрочнение, наполнение и т.д.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.88 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate190℃2.16kg) 3-8 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]
Описание товара


W5A polyester compatibilizer is based on POE by introducing a strong polar reactive group GMA (glycidyl methacrylate).

The GMA group is a highly reactive epoxide group that can react with a wide range of functional groups, including carboxylic acids, hydroxyl groups, and amines. This makes W5A polyester compatibilizer a versatile material that can be used to improve the adhesion between a wide range of different materials.

The addition of W5A polyester compatibilizer to polyester resins can improve the mechanical properties of the resulting composite material, including its strength, toughness, and impact resistance. It can also improve the thermal stability of the material, making it more resistant to heat and aging.

Overall, W5A polyester compatibilizer is a useful material for improving the compatibility and adhesion between polyester resins and other materials, and it has a wide range of potential applications in the manufacturing of composite materials.

W5A polyester compatibilizer is a type of material that is added to polyester resins to improve their compatibility with other materials, such as polyolefins. This compatibilizer is based on POE (polyolefin elastomer) and contains a strong polar reactive group called GMA (glycidyl methacrylate). The GMA group is added to the POE backbone during the manufacturing process to create a material with improved adhesion properties.

A cutting-edge product that has been especially created to improve the compatibility and performance of materials made of polyester is the POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer. The interfacial adhesion and mechanical qualities of this special compatibilizer are enhanced by grafting Polyolefin Elastomers (POE) with Glycidyl Methacrylate (GMA) onto polyester chains. This product is transforming the polyester market thanks to its remarkable functioning and many benefits.

By serving as a link between polyester and other materials, the POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer promotes greater blending and compatibility. It successfully lowers the interfacial tension between polyester and different fillers, reinforcements, and additives, improving uniformity and dispersion. Additionally, this compatibilizer helps polyester and other polymers create covalent connections, which enhances mechanical strength, thermal stability, and chemical resistance.


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W5A can effectively improve the compatibility of composite materials and the dispersion of fillers, and improve product performance. It can also be used as a compatibilizer for ABS/PC, PBT/PC and other alloys.

Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.88 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate190℃2.16kg) 3-8 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%.


1. Improved Compatibility: The POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer greatly enhances the compatibility of polyester with other materials, allowing the development of high-performance composites with exceptional features.

2. Improved Mechanical Properties: This compatibilizer improves the mechanical strength, toughness, and impact resistance of materials made of polyester by fostering greater interfacial adhesion. Additionally, it enhances dimensional stability and lowers the chance of delamination.

3. Improved Thermal Stability: Due to the POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer’s superior thermal stability, polyester composites can resist high temperatures without suffering serious degradation. This qualifies it for a variety of applications that call for heat resistance.

4. Chemical Resistance: This compatibilizer increases the polyester composites’ ability to withstand the effects of acids, bases, and solvents. It increases the number of hostile environment applications for materials based on polyester.

5. Easier Processing: By lowering melt viscosity and enhancing flowability, the POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer makes it simpler to process polyester composites. This improves moldability and makes it simple to produce complex shapes.

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1. Может использоваться в качестве компатибилизатора для PBT, PC, PET и стекловолокна;

2. Может использоваться в качестве упрочняющего агента для PBT и PC;

3. Can be used as PBT/PC alloy compatibilizer;

Решения по отраслям

The POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer has a wide range of uses in a number of different industries, such as:
1. vehicle: It is employed in the production of vehicle parts where high mechanical strength, impact resistance, and dimensional stability are essential, such as bumpers, interior trims, and under-the-hood components.

2. Packaging: To improve the mechanical characteristics, thermal stability, and chemical resistance of packaging materials such films, bottles, and containers, this compatibilizer is used in the manufacturing process.

3. Electronics: It helps to increase the mechanical toughness, thermal stability, and environmental resistance of electronic components such connectors, housings, and circuit boards.

4. Construction: In the production of pipes, profiles, and composite panels, where high mechanical strength, dimensional stability, and resistance to adverse weather conditions are necessary, the POE Grafted GMA Polyester Compatibilizer is utilized.

5. Textiles: It can be used to create high-performance fabrics and fibers with enhanced mechanical qualities, sturdiness, and resistance to chemicals and UV radiation in the textile sector.


About Us


Компания Coace Chemical Company Limited расположена в специальной экономической зоне Сямынь, Китай. Это национальное высокотехнологичное предприятие, объединяющее исследования и разработки, производство и продажу полимерных материалов, специализирующееся на исследованиях, производстве, продаже и обслуживании пластиковых совместителей и упрочнителей.

Более десяти лет компания придерживается философии бизнеса "стабильное качество, совершенствование и глобализация", обслуживая рынок, завод имеет площадь 50 000 квадратных метров и около 100 сотрудников, в том числе 20 технических R & D персонала, и оснащен восемью современными экструзионно-гранулированных систем производственных линий, которые обеспечивают годовую производительность десять тысяч метрических тонн. Продукция охватывает совместители, сцепляющие агенты, модификаторы удара и другие функциональные добавки. и получил сертификат управления качеством ISO9001, с годовой производственной мощностью 20,000 тонн.

COACE advantages
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4.Lower costs and more convenient cross-boarder trader
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