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Модификатор пленки для фотоэлектрической упаковки

Номер модели: R1120


Модификатор фотоэлектрической упаковочной пленки Coace ® R1120 является очень важным продуктом в сфере солнечной энергетики благодаря своим многочисленным выдающимся характеристикам, преимуществам и качествам применения.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Температура плавления 46 DSC
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 8- 15 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание функциональных групп Высокая wt% Метод COACE
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An inventive and cutting-edge product created especially to improve the functionality and robustness of solar packaging films is the solar Packaging Film Modifier. This innovative modifier is perfect for a range of applications in the solar energy sector since it is made using the most recent materials and technologies, giving it outstanding qualities and benefits.

Increased energy conversion efficiency, a longer lifespan, improved reliability, and cost savings are guaranteed by its capacity to optimize light transmission, improve UV resistance, improve weatherability, offer moisture barrier qualities, and encourage adhesion. This modifier’s wide range of applications makes it an essential part of the manufacturing process for high-quality photovoltaic modules, which advances and sustains solar energy systems.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Температура плавления 46 DSC
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 8- 15 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание функциональных групп Высокая wt% Метод COACE
Внешний вид Гранулы / /
Цвет Прозрачный или белый / /



Optimal light transmission through the packaging film is ensured by the Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier, which is designed to maximize the amount of energy absorbed by the solar cells. Because of its special formulation, light scattering and reflection are reduced, improving system efficiency as a whole.

  • UV Resistance: The purpose of this modifier is to improve the photovoltaic packaging sheets’ resistance to UV light. By acting as a screen against damaging UV rays, it prolongs the life of the solar cells and keeps them operating at peak efficiency throughout time.
  • Weatherability: The packaging film can endure adverse climatic conditions including high temperatures, high humidity, and exposure to pollutants because to the Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier’s exceptional weatherability. This lowers the possibility of early deterioration and guarantees long-term dependability.
  • Moisture Barrier: This modifier successfully stops moisture from penetrating the packing film thanks to its outstanding moisture barrier qualities. It protects the integrity of the solar cells, maintaining their lifetime and performance by reducing damage caused by moisture.adhesive
  • Promotion: By strengthening the adhesive between the film’s layers, the Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier improves the structural integrity of the film. By ensuring superior interlayer bonding, this lowers the possibility of delamination and increases the solar module’s overall longevity.




Enhanced Energy Conversion Efficiency: The Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier raises the solar cells’ energy conversion efficiency by maximizing light transmission and reducing light scattering. Higher energy yields and better system performance are the outcomes of this.

Extended Lifespan: This modifier’s weatherability and UV resistance help to extend the photovoltaic packaging film’s lifespan. Because of its increased durability, the film will not need to be replaced as often because it will continue to protect for a longer amount of time.

Enhanced Reliability: The modifier makes the solar module more reliable by acting as a moisture barrier and encouraging adherence. It lowers the possibility of system failures and performance deterioration by guarding against moisture-related damage and ensuring the structural integrity of the film.

Cost savings: Manufacturers and operators of solar energy systems may save money because to the Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier’s long-term durability and dependability. A greater return on investment is a result of improved energy conversion efficiency and decreased maintenance and replacement expenses.


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The Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier may be used with ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), polyvinyl butyral (PVB), and polyolefin-based films, among other kinds of PVF. It doesn’t require any major equipment or modification to be simply integrated into the film making process.

The solar energy sector uses the Photovoltaic Packaging Film Modifier extensively, especially in the production of photovoltaic modules. It works with both thin-film and crystalline silicon solar cell technologies. The modifier can be used to improve the overall performance and endurance of solar modules used in residential, commercial, and utility-scale applications.


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