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PA Reinforced Filling Ultra-low Temperature Toughening High Grafting Rate POE-g-MAH Compatible Toughening Agent

Номер модели: W1F


W1F is a maleic anhydride grafted polymer with a propylene elastomer copolymer as the matrix material, with very low glass transition temperature properties, high flow properties and a white translucent particle appearance.
Испытуемый Данные испытаний Метод испытания
плотность 0,87 г/см³ ASTM D792
Расход расплава (190°C/2,16 кг) 10-24 g ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая Colebond Метод 1
влажность ≤0,3 % Галогенный экспресс-определитель влажности
Внешний вид Гранулированный
Описание товара


The PA Reinforced Filling Ultra-low Temperature Toughening High Grafting Rate POE-g-MAH’s main purpose The purpose of a compatible toughening agent is to enhance the mechanical qualities of materials, particularly PA. It increases the base material’s overall toughness by improving its impact resistance, tensile strength, and elongation at break. The exceptional compatibility of this toughening agent with PA and other materials further ensures a smooth integration and better performance.

The POE-g-MAH with PA Reinforced Filling Ultra-Low Temperature Toughening A highly developed product called Compatible Toughening Agent provides remarkable toughness, compatibility, and reinforcement for a variety of materials, especially polyamides. This toughening agent has several uses in sectors that need high-performance materials due to its improved mechanical characteristics and ultra-low temperature toughness. The performance, longevity, and dependability of the finished goods may be considerably enhanced by including this product into the production processes.


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Application in thermally conductive nylon

Formula 1#(%) 2#(%)
PA6-YH400 40 34
GF-988A 15 15
гидроксид магния 45 45
W1F 0 6
physical properties блок 1# 2#
1/16vertical flame retardant Level V0 V0
Прочность на разрыв Мпа 95 87
Flexural Strength Мпа 125 120
Ударная прочность по надрезу Изода Дж/м 30 70

Suggested dose: The dose (5-25%) may be increased or decreased properly according to the toughness requirements and by taking the cost into consideration.3-10% shall be adopted for PA6/PA66 reinforcing and toughening, while 5% shall be adopted for the compatibilizer of nylon and polypropylene/polyethylene alloy.

Упаковка, хранение и транспортировка:Крафт-мешок 20 кг с внутренним полиэтиленовым пакетом. Данный продукт должен рассматриваться как неопасное изделие и храниться или транспортироваться в сухих условиях, следует избегать попадания солнечных лучей и дождя.

W1F is a maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer with high flow properties that promote glass fiber dispersion and reduce MI impact.

  • High Grafting Rate: Ultra-low Temperature Toughening of PA Reinforced Filling High Rate of Grafting POE-g-MAH When used with PA resins, Compatible Toughening Agent shows a high grafting rate. This feature improves the toughening agent’s dispersion and compatibility inside the PA matrix, which improves performance as a whole.
  • Compatibility with POE-g-MAH: This toughening agent has been specially designed to work with POE-g-MAH, a polyolefin elastomer treated with maleic anhydride. Improved dispersion and mechanical qualities are the outcome of this compatibility, which also increases the toughening agent’s compatibility and blending efficiency with PA resins.




The PA Reinforced Filling Ultra-low Temperature Toughening High Grafting Rate POE-g-MAH Offers Improved Mechanical Properties Compatible Toughening Agent considerably enhances the mechanical characteristics of materials based on PA. It improves impact resistance, fatigue resistance, tensile strength, and flexural strength, producing end products that are high-performing and long-lasting.

Performance at Extremely Low Temperatures: This toughening agent guarantees superior performance in extremely low temperature settings. This agent-modified PA-based materials are suited for use in cold climates or industries because they retain their dimensional stability, mechanical strength, and toughness at below-freezing temperatures.

Enhanced Processability: Processing and blending with PA resins are made easier by the high grafting rate and compatibility with POE-g-MAH. This feature makes it simple to include the toughening agent into current production processes, which lowers processing times, energy usage, and production expenses.


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1. Be used for PA6 or PA66 compatibilizing or toughening. Increase the impact resistance and processability of nylon,decrease the water absorption,greatly improve the cold-resistance.
2. Be used for the compatibilizer of nylon and polypropylene/polyethylene alloy.
3. Be used for the macromolecular modifier(couling agent)of mineral-filled or grass-flber-filled nylon.





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