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Многослойная соэкструдированная упаковочная пленка с компатибилизатором

Номер модели: W1L


COACE's W1L is polyethylene as the base material grafted with MAH, and polar side groups are introduced into the non-polar chain. It is an adhesive for polar materials and non-polar materials.
Описание товара


Packaging films that are multi-layer co-extruded are utilised extensively across a variety of sectors because to the exceptional barrier qualities and adaptability that they provide. The compatibility between the various layers of films, on the other hand, can occasionally be a problem, which can result in delamination and a decrease in overall performance characteristics. This problem has been addressed by the development of a multi-layer co-extruded packaging film compatibilizer.

COACE’s W1L is polyethylene as the base material grafted with MAH, and polar side groups are introduced into the non-polar chain. It is an adhesive for polar materials and non-polar materials. W1L can play a connecting role in composite films of polypropylene, polyolefin and nylon. The reaction between MAH and the amino group of nylon greatly improves the adhesion between the base resin and the functional layer resin.


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  • Better Layer Adhesion: The packaging film compatibilizer that is multi-layer co-extruded improves the adhesion between the various layers of the film. By encouraging interfacial bonding, it lowers the possibility of delamination and strengthens the film’s overall structural integrity.
  • Improved Compatibility: Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), and ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) are a few examples of the typical polymer materials that the compatibilizer is intended to increase compatibility between. It guarantees stronger bonding and mixing between the layers, which enhances the performance of the film.
  • Optimal Processing Conditions: During the co-extrusion process, the compatibilizer is designed to offer the best possible processing conditions. It enhances the characteristics of melt flow and lowers the likelihood of processing problems such melt fracture and inadequate layer adhesion.
  • Heat Stability: Due to its exceptional heat stability, the multi-layer co-extruded packaging film compatibilizer can tolerate high temperatures that are encountered both during the co-extrusion process and during further packaging procedures like heat sealing.
  • Excellent Additive Compatibility: The compatibilizer works well with a variety of additives, including anti-oxidants, slide agents, and anti-block agents, that are often used in packaging films. The compatibility of these additives guarantees that the overall performance and functionality of the film remain unaffected.




Improved Film Performance: The multi-layer co-extruded packaging film compatibilizer increases film performance and integrity by increasing the compatibility between the various layers of packaging films. This brings about an improvement in film performance. As a result, the danger of delamination is decreased, barrier characteristics are improved, and the quality of the film is maintained consistently.

Enhanced Product Protection: The compatibilizer’s ability to increase adhesion and compatibility results in a more strong packaging structure, which in turn strengthens the protection of the product. This increases the protection of the packed goods from external influences such as oxygen, light, and moisture, which in turn extends the shelf life of the product and maintains its quality.

Increased Packaging Efficiency: The compatibilizer’s capacity to enhance melt flow characteristics and lessen the number of processing difficulties adds to an increase in the efficiency of packaging. It enables manufacturing processes to run more smoothly, reduces the amount of downtime that occurs, and increases output.

Cost Savings: The multi-layer co-extruded packaging film compatibilizer helps minimise waste and rejects by minimising the occurrence of delamination and enhancing overall film quality. This results in cost savings. As a result, manufacturers are able to reduce their costs and receive assistance for environmentally responsible packaging techniques.


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The multi-layer co-extruded packaging film compatibilizer has a wide range of uses in a variety of packaging industries, including the following:

a. Food Packaging: The compatibilizer is utilised in a wide variety of applications for food packaging, including flexible pouches, laminated films, and barrier packaging. It promotes greater adhesion between the various layers, which in turn enhances the barrier capabilities of the packaging and maintains its original integrity.

b. Packaging for the Medical and Pharmaceutical sectors: The compatibilizer is utilised in the manufacturing of blister packs, sachets, and pouches for the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. It increases the barrier qualities and promotes greater adhesion between layers, which in turn ensures that the packed items are both safe and effective.

c. Packaging for Personal Care and Household Products: The compatibilizer is utilised in applications that involve packaging for personal care products, detergents, and household goods. It improves the bonding between the various layers, which results in improved protection and helps to preserve the integrity of the items that are packaged.

d. Industrial Packaging: The compatibilizer is utilised in a variety of industrial packaging applications, including the packaging of electronic components, automobile parts, and industrial film laminations. There is an improvement in adhesion between the layers, as well as an improvement in the overall performance and durability of the package.



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