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Multi-Functional Reactive Chain Extender for Degradable Polyester Materials

Model No.: BP-5


Coace ® BP-5 is a multi-functional reactive chain extender in powder form.
Внешний вид Powder
Цвет Белый
True Density 2.1-2.4 г/см3 ASTM D792
Bulk Density 0.7-1.1 г/см3 ASTM D792
Polar oxygen group content 2.3-2.7 wt% Метод COACE[1]
Loss on drying ≤0.3 % 105℃,10min
Описание товара


Coace ® BP-5 is a multi-functional reactive chain extender in powder form.

BP-5 is a novel multifunctional reactive chain extender meant to solve several application domains, enhance the mechanical properties, processing performance, and environmental friendliness of polyester materials, and so offer answers. By reacting with the functional groups on the linear polymer chain, the chain extender greatly increases the molecular weight, therefore enhancing the tensile strength, elongation at break and impact strength of the material. This helps the finished product to function in many demanding application contexts.


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Внешний вид Powder
Цвет Белый
True Density 2.1-2.4 г/см3 ASTM D792
Bulk Density 0.7-1.1 г/см3 ASTM D792
Polar oxygen group content 2.3-2.7 wt% Метод COACE[1]
Loss on drying ≤0.3 % 105℃,10min
  • Strengthened Molecular Bonds: Strong covalent connections formed by the reactive groups inside our chain extender form with the polyester molecules, therefore producing a more durable and robust material.
  • Improved Flexibility: Our extender lets the finished product be more flexible by changing the molecular weight and structure, therefore fitting for a larger spectrum of uses.
  • Enhanced Thermal Stability: Our chain extender raises the material’s heat resistance, therefore increasing its suitability for uses requiring high-temperature processing or usage.
  • Customizable Formulation: Our product can be tailored to satisfy particular industrial standards and performance criteria, so guaranteeing best outcomes in many different uses.
  • Eco-Friendly Composition: Our chain extender is developed with great care to be biodegradable, thereby assuring that it does not prevent the polyester material from degradability.


Versatility: Our chain extender fits a broad spectrum of degradable polyester varieties, so providing a flexible solution for many different sectors.

Cost-Effectiveness: Although our solution offers notable performance enhancements, its reasonably affordable cost gives great value for money.

Regulatory Compliance: We guarantee that our product satisfies all pertinent environmental rules and norms, so giving our consumers piece of mind.

Sustainability Focus: From its formulation to its application, our dedication to sustainability is clear in every element of our product.

Efficient chain extension: Bp-5майreactatlowertemperatures,thereforedrasticallyснижениепроизводствоcostsиэнергияusage.


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Глобальные услуги

Сертификация Coace!

Сертификация ISO9001:2015
Сертификация ISO14001:2015
Регистрация в ЕС REACH

Предварительная регистрация на K-REACH в Корее

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Схема зарубежного маркетинга




Coace ® BP-5 can help the chain expansion and nucleation of degradable polyester materials, accelerate the cooling and forming speed of materials, and can also be used to enhance the viscosity of polyester materials, improve the tensile strength and puncture resistance of films and sheets.

Прикладная промышленность

Packaging Sector: Our chain extender is perfect for improving the performance and longevity of degradable packaging materials hence lowering the demand for single-use plastics.
Agricultural Films: Degradable agricultural films can be extended in lifetime by means of longer protection for crops and less environmental impact of conventional plastic films.
Textile Manufacturing: Our product may increase the strength and flexibility of degradable fibers, therefore creating fresh opportunities for environmentally friendly design.
Biomedical Applications: Our chain extender guarantees the integrity of the material during the healing process and its safe disintegration after its usage is finished, therefore enabling biodegradable implants and scaffolds.

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