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Modifier for Increasing The Impact Resistance and Processability of Nylon

Номер модели: W1F


Modifier for Increasing The Impact Resistance and Processability of Nylon
Испытуемый Test Data Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87G/cm³ ASTM D792
Melt flow rate(190℃/2.16kg) 10-24g ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая Метод COACE1
Влажность ≤0,3% Галогенный экспресс-определитель влажности
Внешний вид Гранулированный
Описание товара


W1F is a maleic anhydride grafted polymer with a propylene elastomer copolymer as the matrix material, with very low glass transition temperature properties, high flow properties and a white translucent particle appearance.

W1F is a maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer with high flow properties that promote glass fiber dispersion and reduce MI impact.

W1F is a maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer that is often used as a coupling agent in reinforced polymer composites, such as those containing glass fibers. The maleic anhydride functionality on the W1F molecule can react with functional groups on the surface of the glass fibers, creating a stronger bond between the fibers and the polymer matrix.


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  • In addition to its coupling agent properties, W1F also has high flow properties, which can help promote the dispersion of glass fibers in the polymer matrix during processing. This can result in improved mechanical properties of the composite material.
  • The statement that W1F can reduce MI (melt index) impact is somewhat unclear, as the impact resistance of a polymer is typically not directly related to its melt index. However, it is possible that the use of W1F as a coupling agent and flow promoter could lead to improvements in the impact resistance of a composite material containing glass fibers, due to better fiber dispersion and bonding.
  • High Thermal Stability: The modifier can tolerate the processing temperatures involved in the manufacturing of nylon thanks to its remarkable thermal stability. Because of its ability to remain effective at high temperatures, production can be conducted with consistent results.
  • Good Dispersion: The modifier distributes evenly throughout the material thanks to its good dispersion in the nylon matrix. This feature guarantees uniform distribution of the improved processability and impact resistance, resulting in uniform mechanical qualities throughout the final product.
  • Compatibility with Additives: Fillers, reinforcements, and flame retardants are among the various additives that are frequently used in nylon formulations that are compatible with the modifier. Because of this feature, combining different additives to obtain the required material characteristics and performance is made possible by their synergistic effects.

Enhanced Impact Resistance: By considerably raising the impact resistance of nylon-based materials, the modifier lowers the likelihood of damage or failure and increases their resistance to outside pressures. This benefit is especially helpful in applications like industrial equipment, sporting products, and automobile parts where the material may be subjected to significant stress or impact.

Increased Processability: The modifier significantly increases the processability of nylon. It makes processing simpler, uses less energy, and increases productivity by lowering melt viscosity and improving melt flow characteristics. The enhanced processability facilitates productive production procedures such as blow molding, extrusion, and injection molding.

Wide range of Compatibility: The modifier works well with copolymers of nylon 6 and 66 as well as other forms of nylon. Because of its wide compatibility, the modifier can be simply added to various nylon formulations without affecting the overall performance of the material. It allows for greater design freedom for materials and makes it easier to modify already-existing nylon-based goods.


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1. Be utilized to toughen or compatibilize PA6 or PA66. Nylon’s impact resistance and processability should be improved, water absorption should be reduced, and cold resistance should be significantly improved.

2. Serve as a polypropylene/polyethylene alloy compatibilizer for nylon.

3. Be used as a macromolecular modifier (couling agent) for nylon filled with minerals or grass fibers.

Automotive, consumer goods, electronics, and industrial applications are just a few of the industries that can benefit from the modifier for increasing the impact resistance and processability of nylon. It offers a practical way to improve impact resistance and processability for both small- and large-scale nylon-based product manufacture.

To sum up, the Nylon Impact Resistance and Processability Modifier offers a number of benefits, such as increased processability, broad compatibility, high thermal stability, outstanding dispersion, and compatibility with other additives. Benefits from its use include longer-lasting products, lower costs, and more effective manufacturing.


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