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Функционализированный малеиновым ангидридом полиолефиновый эластомер

Номер модели: W1F


W1F - это функционализированный малеиновым ангидридом полиолефиновый эластомер с высокими текучими свойствами, который способствует разделению рассеянных стекловолокон, снижая воздействие на MI.
Продукт Внешний вид Melt index(190℃,2.16kg)g/10min Соотношение прививок Density(g/)
W1F white or light yellow even granules 10-24 высокая 0.87
Описание товара


W1F is a type of elastomer that has been functionalized with maleic anhydride. Maleic anhydride is a chemical compound that contains a reactive double bond, which can be used to bind the elastomer to other materials, such as glass fibers. This product is a maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer with high flow properties that promotes separation of glass fibers scattered, reducing the impact on MI.

When combined with high flow properties, maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer can effectively promote the separation of glass fibers scattered throughout a material. This reduces the likelihood of fiber clumping, which can negatively impact the material’s melt index (MI).

Overall, the use of maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer with high flow properties is a promising approach to improving the performance of materials that contain glass fibers, such as composites, by reducing clumping and improving the overall flow properties.

W1F is a type of elastomer that has been functionalized with maleic anhydride. Maleic anhydride is a chemical compound that contains a reactive double bond, which can be used to bind the elastomer to other materials, such as glass fibers.

The flexible and high-performance substance maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer has many uses in many different sectors. This product is especially made to provide outstanding functionality, great benefits, and a variety of applications. Maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer stands out as a dependable and effective solution for many industrial demands because to its distinct chemical structure and physical characteristics.

A copolymer that combines the properties of polyolefin elastomers with maleic anhydride is known as a maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer. The material becomes more reactive and compatible with other chemicals as a result of this functionalization process, making it extremely adaptable for a variety of uses. The elastomer’s maleic anhydride functional groups allow it to bind with various materials, improving adhesion and compatibility.


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Продукт Внешний вид Melt index(190℃,2.16kg)g/10min Соотношение прививок Density(g/)
W1F white or light yellow even granules 10-24 высокая 0.87


This produce is ethylene elastomer with functionalized maleic anhydride,which is especially suitable for super-tough or cold-resistant nylon.

W1F is a type of elastomer that has been functionalized with maleic anhydride. Maleic anhydride is a chemical compound that contains a reactive double bond, which can be used to bind the elastomer to other materials, such as glass fibers.

In the context of the sentence you provided, W1F is specifically designed to be used in the production of composite materials that incorporate glass fibers. The high flow properties of W1F help to separate the glass fibers, reducing their impact on the melt index (MI) of the composite material. MI is a measure of the viscosity of the molten polymer used to produce the composite material. By reducing the impact of the glass fibers on the MI, W1F can help to ensure that the composite material has the desired properties, such as strength and durability.



1. Outstanding adhesive: Maleic anhydride functionalized polyolefin elastomer has excellent adhesive characteristics, which make it a great option for attaching various surfaces. It creates solid interfacial connections that increase the finished product’s overall performance and durability.

2. Improved Compatibility: The maleic anhydride functionalization improves the elastomer’s compatibility with polar substances including metals, polyesters, and polyamides. Due to their compatibility, composite materials are able to be produced that have better mechanical and thermal stability.

3. Flexibility and Elasticity: The polyolefin elastomer functionalized with maleic anhydride maintains the flexibility and elasticity of conventional polyolefin elastomers. It is suited for applications that call for flexibility and robustness since it can be easily molded into different shapes and forms without losing its mechanical qualities.

4. Chemical Resistance: The elastomer has good chemical resistance due to the polyolefin backbone, which enables it to tolerate exposure to a variety of chemicals, solvents, and oils. Due to this characteristic, it can be used in difficult conditions where chemical resistance is essential.

5. Thermal Stability: The polyolefin elastomer functionalized with maleic anhydride has great thermal stability, which allows it to tolerate high temperatures without suffering considerable deterioration. This quality qualifies it for thermal resistance-required applications including electrical insulation and automobile parts.


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1.Be used for PA6 or PA66 compatibilizing or toughening. Increase the impact resistance and processability of nylon, decrease the water absorption, greatly improve the cold-resistance.

2.Используется для компатибилизации нейлона и сплава полипропилен/полиэтилен.

3.Be used for the macromolecular modifier(coupling agent) of mineral filled or glass-fiber filled nylon.


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