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Ударные модификаторы с низкой температурой стеклования для PA6, PA66

Номер модели: W1A-1


Coace® W1A-1 is an anhydride modified polyolefin elastomer used as impact modifiers for PA6, PA66 with extremely low odor and TVOC, which has low glass transition temperature characteristics.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый ASTM D792
Плотность 0.87 г/см3
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 0.3-1.0 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]
Описание товара


Coace® W1A-1 - это модифицированный ангидридами полиолефиновый эластомер с чрезвычайно низким уровнем запаха и TVOC, обладающий низкими характеристиками температуры стеклования.

The low glass transition temperature impact modifiers for PA6 and PA66 are specialised additives that improve the toughness and impact resistance of these polymers. The fundamental component of these modifiers is an anhydride-modified polyolefin elastomer, which gives the finished product special qualities. This elastomer performs exceptionally well at low temperatures and is compatible with PA6 and PA66, making it a good candidate for impact modification.

Low glass transition temperature impact modifiers for PA6 and PA66 with anhydride-modified polyolefin elastomer provide remarkable properties and benefits. Their low-temperature performance, compatibility, increased toughness, and better processability make them suitable for a variety of industries. These impact modifiers serve the automotive, electrical and electronics, consumer goods, and industrial manufacturing industries by allowing them to produce high-quality, impact-resistant products. The incorporation of these modifiers improves the performance and durability of PA6 and PA66 polymers, allowing them to fulfil the demands of difficult applications.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый ASTM D792
Плотность 0.87 г/см3
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 0.3-1.0 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.

Impact modifiers have a low glass transition temperature, which allows them to remain flexible and durable even at low temperatures. This feature ensures that the upgraded PA6 and PA66 maintain their impact resistance in a variety of settings.

  • Compatibility with PA6 and PA66: The anhydride-modified polyolefin elastomer utilised in the impact modifiers is extremely compatible with PA6 and PA66 polymers. It forms a strong contact with the matrix, which enhances dispersion and adhesion.
  • Increased Toughness: Impact modifiers greatly improve the toughness of PA6 and PA66 polymers. They efficiently absorb and release energy upon impact, lowering the danger of crack development and boosting the material’s overall durability.
  • Improved Processability: The presence of impact modifiers increases the processability of PA6 and PA66. It improves melt flow, lowers melt viscosity, and increases the material’s capacity to fill complex moulds, resulting in higher component quality and production efficiency.




Cold Temperature Performance: The impact modifiers’ low glass transition temperature ensures that the modified PA6 and PA66 preserve mechanical capabilities even in cold conditions. This characteristic makes them ideal for applications that require high impact resistance at low temperatures.

Enhanced Impact Resistance: The impact modifiers considerably improve PA6 and PA66’s impact resistance. This benefit makes the modified polymers appropriate for applications requiring high impact strength, such as automobile components, sporting products, and industrial equipment.

Versatile Application: Impact modifiers are used in a variety of industries, including automotive, electrical and electronics, consumer goods, and manufacturing. They provide flexibility in building impact-resistant products for a variety of applications.


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Типовое применение

Используется в качестве модификаторов ударной вязкости для огнезащитных составов на основе PA6, PA66 и полиамида.

Используются в качестве компатибилизаторов для улучшения совместимости между полиамидом и полипропиленом или полиэтиленом.

Индустрия применения

Automotive Industry: Impact modifiers are widely employed in the automotive industry to manufacture impact-resistant components such as bumpers, fenders, and interior trim. The updated PA6 and PA66’s increased toughness and impact resistance help to improve vehicle safety and durability.

Electrical and Electronics Sector: Impact modifiers are used in the electrical and electronics industries to manufacture components that require high impact resistance, such as connections, casings, and switches. Their low-temperature performance and compatibility with PA6 and PA66 make them perfect for this application.

Consumer Goods: The ability of impact modifiers to increase impact resistance benefits a wide range of consumer goods, including power tools, appliances, and recreational equipment. These modifiers enable the development of long-lasting and dependable products for everyday usage.

In industrial manufacturing, impact modifiers are used to increase the toughness and impact resistance of PA6 and PA66, which are used to make pipes, fittings, and other structural components. This ensures the durability and dependability of the manufactured products.



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