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Светло-желтые гранулированные компатибилизаторы для сплавов PC/ABS

Номер модели: KS-03


Coace® KS-03 - это сополимер стирола-акрилонитрила-малеинового ангидрида.




Метод испытания

Внешний вид





1,09 г/см3


Скорость течения расплава(200℃5 кг)



ASTM D1238

Содержание малеинового ангидрида



Метод COACE[1]

Описание товара


Coace® KS-03 - это сополимер стирола-акрилонитрила-малеинового ангидрида.

Polycarbonate (PC) and Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) are two high-performance polymers that have different characteristics. While PC is renowned for its clarity, heat resistance, and impact resistance, ABS is prized for its durability, chemical resistance, and simplicity of processing. The combination of these two polymers in an alloy can result in a material with a variety of applications. To achieve a homogeneous blend with excellent characteristics, a compatibilizer capable of successfully improving interfacial adhesion between the two phases is required. Our light yellow pellet compatibilizers, which are based on the S-A-M copolymer, are specifically designed to do this.
Our light yellow pellets compatibilizers for PC/ABS alloy, based on S-A-M copolymer, are a substantial development in polymer mixing technology. Our solution expands the compatibility and performance of PC/ABS mixes, opening up new opportunities for material applications in a variety of industries.


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Метод испытания

Внешний вид





1,09 г/см3


Скорость течения расплава(200℃5 кг)



ASTM D1238

Содержание малеинового ангидрида



Метод COACE[1]

  • Chemical Composition: The compatibilizer is a styrene-acrylonitrile-maleic anhydride copolymer, which contains reactive maleic anhydride groups that may make chemical bonds with both the PC and ABS phases.
  • Enhanced Compatibility: The presence of maleic anhydride groups in the copolymer allows for a strong contact with the hydroxyl end groups of PC and the polar groups in ABS, resulting in increased compatibility and a stable mix.
  • Improved Mechanical Properties: Because of the fine dispersion of phases and strong interfacial adhesion, the compatible PC/ABS alloy has higher tensile strength, impact resistance, and elongation at break.
  • Thermal Stability: Our compatibilizers preserve the PC/ABS blend’s exceptional thermal stability, enabling for high-temperature processing without affecting the material’s integrity.
  • Processing Ease: Our compatibilizer increases the melt flow and processability of the PC/ABS blend, lowering viscosity and allowing for easier processing conditions.


Reactive Compatibilization: The usage of S-A-M copolymer provides a reactive compatibilization strategy that is more effective than physical blending in increasing interfacial adhesion between the PC and ABS phases.

Customizability: We may modify the compatibilizer’s features to match individual application needs, ensuring peak performance and cost-effectiveness.

Sustainability: We prioritize sustainability in our production process, decreasing environmental impact while keeping excellent product quality.

Customization and Technical Support: We recognize that each application has unique requirements. Our polymer experts are ready to give tailored solutions and technical support to ensure that our compatibilizers meet or surpass your expectations.

Наше преимущество

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Сертификация Coace!

Сертификация ISO9001:2015
Сертификация ISO14001:2015
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Схема внутреннего маркетинга
Схема зарубежного маркетинга



1.Для использования в качестве совместителей для PC/ABS сплава, ABS/PET сплава, PA/ABS сплава, PA/ASA сплава.

2.Используется в качестве соединительного агента для АБС и ААС с наполнителями, такими как стекловолокно, тальк и т.д.

Качества приложения:

Our PC/ABS alloy compatibilizers are widely used in industries that require high-performance materials.

Automotive: Used to manufacture interior and exterior components that require great strength, durability, and heat resistance.
Electronics and Electrical: Ideal for housings and casings of electronic devices, providing insulation and mechanical stress resistance.
Consumer items: Improves the performance of consumer items such as toys, sports equipment, and small appliances.
Industrial and manufacturing: Used to make a variety of mechanical components and parts that require strength, flexibility, and heat resistance.
Technical specifications:
Our compatibilizers are available in a variety of grades to meet varied application requirements. The key specifications include:

Chemical composition: S-A-M copolymer with a regulated ratio of styrene, acrylonitrile, and maleic anhydride.
Molecular Weight: Designed to optimize reactivity and dispersion in the PC/ABS combination.
Melting Point: Compatible with PC and ABS processing temperatures to provide homogeneous mixing.
Color: Light yellow pellets that do not add color to the finished product unless specially designed to do so.




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