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K2D Химически модифицированный полиэтилен

Номер модели: K2D


K2D - это химически модифицированный полиэтилен, который обеспечивает отличную адгезию к фольге, бумаге и другим полярным субстратам.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Плотность 0.92 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 3-6 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Средний wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания[1] LOW<0,4wt%; Middle(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); High≥0,8wt%.

Описание товара


K2D - это химически модифицированный полиэтилен, который обеспечивает отличную адгезию к фольге, бумаге и другим полярным субстратам.

K2D is a chemical modified polyethylene that has been designed to offer excellent adhesion to foil, paper, and other polar substrates. The modification of the polyethylene is achieved through the incorporation of polar functional groups into the polymer backbone, which enhances its affinity for polar surfaces.


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K2D - это химически модифицированный полиэтилен, который обеспечивает отличную адгезию к фольге, бумаге и другим полярным субстратам.

  • One of the key advantages of K2D is its ability to form strong and durable bonds with a variety of polar substrates, such as aluminum foil and paper. This makes it ideal for use in applications where a strong and reliable adhesive is required, such as in packaging and labeling applications.
  • In addition to its excellent adhesion properties, K2D also offers good processing characteristics and can be easily extruded or molded into a variety of shapes and forms. Its low melting point and good flow properties make it well suited for use in hot melt adhesive formulations, which can be applied quickly and easily to substrates.
  • K2D is also known for its good heat resistance and durability, making it suitable for use in applications where high temperatures or harsh environmental conditions are expected. Its resistance to moisture and chemicals further enhances its suitability for use in demanding applications, such as in the food packaging and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Overall, K2D is a versatile and reliable adhesive material that offers excellent adhesion to polar substrates, good processing characteristics, and high performance in a variety of applications.


Improved Bonding Performance: Chemically Modified Polyethylene Adhesive outperforms conventional adhesives in terms of bonding performance. Because of its exceptional adhesive strength, constructed items have longer lasting bonding and greater structural integrity.

Broad Substrate Compatibility: The adhesive works well with a variety of substrates, such as composites, metals, plastics, and ceramics. The potential applications in sectors including general assembly, electronics, construction, and automotive are increased by this versatility.

Superior Chemical Resistance: The adhesive’s superior chemical resistance is a result of its polyethylene base, which qualifies it for use in hostile chemical conditions. In difficult circumstances, it guarantees the durability and dependability of bonded components.

Flexibility and Durability: Materials with varying coefficients of thermal expansion can be bonded together thanks to the flexibility and durability provided by chemically modified polyethylene adhesive. It maintains the integrity of the bond over time by accommodating the movement and tension brought on by temperature changes.

Polyethylene Basis: The glue is based on polyethylene, a popular polymer with exceptional flexibility, durability, and chemical resistance. This base offers a strong starting point for improving the adhesive’s functionality in a range of settings.

Chemical Modification: To give the glue particular qualities and functions, the polyethylene basis is chemically changed. This alteration improves the adhesive’s ability to adhere and its suitability for a variety of substrates.

Excellent Bonding Performance: The adhesive provides excellent bonding performance, forming robust and long-lasting connections between a variety of substrates, such as composites, metals, plastics, and ceramics. It guarantees outstanding adhesion strength and sustained bond integrity.
Versatile Application: There are several ways to apply the glue, such as by brush, roller, or spray. This adaptability ensures flexibility and convenience of use by enabling seamless integration into various industrial processes.


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1.To be used as hot melt adhesive for aluminum foil and polyethylene composite sheet.

2.To be used as anti-corrosion coating of steel pipes, iron pipes, lead pipes, etc.

3.To be used as hot melt adhesive for steel mesh skeleton plastic composite pipe.




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