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Ударный модификатор для PA6

Номер модели: W1E


W1E - это модифицированный ангидридами полиолефиновый эластомер с высокой скоростью прививки, обладающий низкими характеристиками температуры стеклования.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
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Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 0.3-1.0 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.

Описание товара


Coace W1E is an anhydride modified polyolefin elastomer with high grafting rate. It is a highly specialized material that is commonly used in the plastics and rubber industries.This polymer has a high grafting rate, which means that it has a high degree of cross-linking, resulting in excellent mechanical properties.

Anhydride modified polyolefin elastomers are typically produced by grafting maleic anhydride onto a polyolefin backbone. This modification enhances the adhesive properties of the material and makes it more compatible with other materials, such as thermoplastics and thermosetting resins.

Impact Modifier for PA6 is a very effective addition made to increase the PA6 (polyamide 6) materials’ impact resistance and toughness. This particular product is designed to enhance the mechanical characteristics of PA6, making it ideal for a variety of applications across several sectors. The Impact Modifier for PA6 is a crucial component for manufacturers looking to increase the sturdiness and dependability of their PA6-based products because to its remarkable performance and adaptability.

The Impact Modifier for PA6 is designed to increase the PA6 materials’ impact resistance and toughness. In order to avoid cracks and fractures in the material, it effectively absorbs and distributes energy upon impact. In applications where the PA6 components are subjected to mechanical stress, such as automotive parts, electrical connections, and consumer products, this capability is essential. Manufacturers may make sure their goods can survive demanding usage circumstances and keep their structural integrity by adding the Impact Modifier for PA6.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 0.3-1.0 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.


  • Coace® W1E is an anhydride modified polyolefin elastomer with high grafting rate, which has low glass transition temperature characteristics.


  • Coace W1E is specifically designed to have a high grafting rate, which makes it an excellent choice for applications where mechanical properties such as strength, toughness, and flexibility are critical. It is commonly used in the production of adhesives, sealants, and coatings, as well as in the automotive and construction industries.


  • Overall, Coace W1E is a highly specialized and versatile polymer that offers a range of benefits and advantages, making it an excellent choice for many different applications.


1. Increased Impact Resistance: The PA6 Impact Modifier greatly increases the materials’ ability to withstand impacts, lowering the possibility of damage or failure. This benefit is especially useful in situations where the PA6 components are subjected to repeated mechanical loads or abrupt impacts.

2. Increased Toughness: The Impact Modifier for PA6 significantly increases the toughness of PA6 materials. This enhances the product’s durability and lifetime by enabling the material to tolerate deformation and prevent breaking.

3. Greater Flexibility: The PA6 material is made more flexible by the PA6 Impact Modifier, making it more able to handle bending and stretching without breaking. This benefit is especially useful in applications that need for flexibility, such as flexible packaging, tubing, and cable insulation.

4. Outstanding Processability: The PA6 Impact Modifier is made to be quickly introduced into the PA6 matrix during production. With PA6, it mixes extremely well, resulting in uniform dispersion and little processing challenges. This benefit streamlines production and lowers manufacturing costs.


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1.Используется в качестве модификаторов ударной вязкости для огнезащитных составов на основе PA6, PA66 и полиамида.

2.Используется в качестве компатибилизаторов для улучшения совместимости между полиамидом и полипропиленом или полиэтиленом.

Прикладная промышленность

The Impact Modifier for PA6 has a wide range of uses in a number of different sectors, including:

1. Automotive Industry: The Impact Modifier for PA6 is often used in the manufacturing of impact-resistant parts for automobiles, including bumpers, interior trim, and under-the-hood components. It is the best option for assuring the safety and longevity of automotive components because of its capacity to improve impact resistance and toughness.

2. Electrical and electronic devices frequently employ PA6 materials that have been treated with the Impact Modifier as housings, switches, and connections. Even in demanding working circumstances, the modifier’s enhanced impact resistance and toughness guarantee the dependability and lifespan of these components.

3. Consumer Products: Including sporting goods, power tools, and home appliances, the Impact Modifier for PA6 is used in the production of a range of consumer products. These items can sustain regular use and unintentional collisions because to their capacity to improve impact resistance and toughness.

4. Industrial Uses: The Impact Modifier for PA6 is also used in a number of industrial uses, including conveyor belts, machinery parts, and safety gear. It is appropriate for severe industrial situations where dependability and longevity are crucial because to its outstanding impact resistance and hardness.




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