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Высокая прозрачность и низкая точка кристаллизации силан-модифицированного олефинового сополимера фотовольтаической пленки инкапсуляции стеклянного клея

Номер модели: R1020


Высокопрозрачный и низкокристаллический силан-модифицированный олефиновый сополимер фотоэлектрической пленки, клей для стекла.
Производительность Численное значение Метод(ы) испытаний
Плотность 0,87 г/см³ ASTM D792
Melt flow rate (190℃/2.16kg) 10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D 1238
Содержание силана Высокая COACE Method↿
Влажность ≤0,3% Галогенный экспресс-определитель влажности
Описание товара


R1020 is a silane-grafted POE film masterbatch for photovoltaic encapsulation. This product has the characteristics of high silane content, no precipitation, no water absorption, good dispersibility, good stability, high transparency, and good weather resistance.

When it comes to improving the chemical solution for solar modules, the Silane-Grafted POE Film Masterbatch for solar Encapsulation delivers outstanding value and performance. This masterbatch transforms solar module protection with its composition of silane-grafted polyolefin elastomer, high adhesion, outstanding weather resistance, and ideal light transmission. Purchasers can attain better adhesion, increased durability, and optimal energy conversion efficiency in crystalline silicon, thin-film, building-integrated, and floating solar power plants, among other photovoltaic applications, by integrating this masterbatch into their manufacturing processes.

Приведенные ниже данные получены на основе среднего значения испытаний образцов сохранения продукции в течение шести месяцев, и эти данные обновляются каждые шесть месяцев

Испытуемый Данные испытаний Метод(ы) испытаний
Плотность 0,87 г/см³ ASTM D792 ISO 1183
Температура плавления 46℃(115℉) ASTM D3418 ISO 3146
Температура плавления 15-20(190℃,2.16kg)g/10min ASTM D1238 ISO 1133
Количество прививок Высокая
Внешний вид прозрачные частицы


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Производительность Численное значение Метод(ы) испытаний
Плотность 0,87 г/см³ ASTM D792
Melt flow rate (190℃/2.16kg) 10-20 г/10 мин ASTM D 1238
Содержание силана Высокая COACE Method↿
Влажность ≤0,3% Галогенный экспресс-определитель влажности

Примечание:The above data are typical values tested and should not be interpreted as specification low < 0.4 wt %, medium 0.5-1.5 wt %, high > 1.5 wt %.

R1020 is a silane-modified olefin copolymer, which is mainly used in photovoltaic encapsulation films. It has the characteristics of high silane content, high transparency and low crystal point.

  • Silane-Grafted POE Film: A silane-grafted polyolefin elastomer is incorporated into the masterbatch formulation, providing enhanced adhesion and compatibility with a range of encapsulant materials. Strong bonding and great interfacial adhesion between the encapsulant film and the solar cells are ensured by this property.
  • Enhanced Weather Resistance: In order to effectively defend against UV radiation, temperature extremes, moisture, and other environmental conditions, the silane-grafted POE film masterbatch delivers remarkable weather resistance. This feature guarantees the enclosed photovoltaic modules’ long-term performance and dependability.
  • Superior Optical Clarity: The photovoltaic cells receive the highest amount of light possible since the masterbatch keeps its superior optical clarity. By reducing light loss and guaranteeing maximum energy conversion efficiency, it maximizes the solar modules’ power production.
  • recipe Customizable: The masterbatch recipe can be altered to satisfy particular needs, including compatibility with various encapsulant materials, mechanical attributes, and required adhesion levels. Because of its adaptability, customized solutions can be developed to meet the specific requirements of producers of solar modules
Better Adhesion: The solar cells and encapsulant film adhere to one another more effectively thanks to the Silane-Grafted POE Film Masterbatch. Strong interfacial bonds are created by its silane-grafted polyolefin elastomer formulation, which inhibits delamination and enhances the module’s overall mechanical integrity and dependability.

Increased endurance: The enclosed photovoltaic modules’ long-term stability and endurance are guaranteed by the masterbatch’s exceptional resistance to weather. It prolongs the life of the modules and lowers maintenance and replacement costs by providing protection against UV deterioration, moisture intrusion, and thermal stressors.

Optimal Light Transmission: By optimizing light transmission to the photovoltaic cells, the outstanding optical clarity of the masterbatch boosts energy conversion efficiency. It reduces light losses from absorption or reflection, which boosts power output and enhances the solar modules’ overall performance.

Wide-ranging Application Compatibility: TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) and EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) are only two examples of the encapsulant materials that the Silane-Grafted POE Film Masterbatch is compatible with. Because of this interoperability, manufacturers may easily integrate their solar modules into a variety of encapsulation techniques, giving them a wide range of possibilities.


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1. Упаковочная фотоэлектрическая пленка
2. Glass adhesiveSeveral solar module production techniques employ the Silane-Grafted POE Film Masterbatch, including:Crystalline Silicon Solar Modules: To ensure a strong adhesion between the encapsulant film and the silicon cells, crystalline silicon solar modules are encapsulated using a masterbatch. It improves the module’s overall performance, dependability, and durability, making it appropriate for utility-scale installations as well as residential and commercial settings.Thin-Film Solar Modules: Amorphous silicon (a-Si) and cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin-film solar modules are encapsulated using the masterbatch. Even in harsh climatic circumstances, the long-term module integrity and performance are guaranteed by its exceptional adhesive qualities and weather resistance.Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): Durability and aesthetics are important factors, and the masterbatch is used in the manufacturing of building-integrated solar modules. Strong adhesion, weather resilience, and optical clarity are among its qualities that make solar modules easy to integrate into roofing and glass facade materials, for example.Floating Solar Power Plants: Solar modules used in floating solar power plants can be encapsulated using the Silane-Grafted POE Film Masterbatch. Its remarkable adhesion and weather resistance qualities maximize the energy production from water-based solar installations by guaranteeing the modules’ robustness and dependability in challenging aquatic conditions.




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