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Модифицированный малеиновым ангидридом полипропиленовый компатибилизатор с высокой степенью прививки

Номер модели: B1C


Coace ® B1C - это модифицированный малеиновым ангидридом полипропилен с высокой скоростью прививки.
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Индекс расплава (190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин 3-10
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.92
Описание товара


B1C is a maleic anhydride modified polypropylene with high grafting rate.

Within the field of polymer engineering, the search for materials that improve polypropylene (PP) characteristics has resulted in the development of a ground-breaking product: the High Grafting Rate Maleic Anhydride Modified Polypropylene Compatibilizer. This ground-breaking compatibilizer provides a special blend of excellent dispersion characteristics, high grafting efficiency, and outstanding interfacial adhesion to satisfy the strict requirements of contemporary industry.

Strictly designed to enhance the dispersion and interaction of different fillers inside the polypropylene matrix is the compatibilizer, a specialist grade of compatibilizer. A number of advantages that greatly improve the performance of PP composites are provided by our compatibilizer, which incorporates maleic anhydride (MAH) using a unique high grafting technique.


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Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Индекс расплава (190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин 3-10
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.92
  • High Grafting Rate: By achieving a hitherto unheard-of grafting rate, the HGM-PPC guarantees a consistent MAH distribution along the PP spine. Our sophisticated production technique maximizes the contact between MAH and PP without sacrificing the molecular weight of the base polymer, which accounts for this high grafting rate.
  • Improved Dispersion and Wetting: Fillers such calcium carbonate, talc, and glass fibres disperse much better when MAH groups are present along the PP chains. Better wetting and less phase separation follow from this in a composite that is more homogeneous.
  • Increased Interfacial Adhesion: Tensile strength, impact resistance, and thermal stability of the composites are all significantly increased by the strong interface that the functional groups supplied by the MAH modification form between the PP matrix and the filler.
  • Reduced Material Waste and Lower Production Costs: compatibilizer helps to minimize material waste and lower production costs by optimizing the use of fillers and raising the composite quality generally.


Environmentally Conscience: In keeping with the sustainability objectives of contemporary enterprises, our compatibilizer is produced in an environmentally favorable manner with little odor and low volatile emissions.

Wide Application Spectrum: Wherever high strength, stiffness, and heat resistance are critical, HGM-PPC finds application in the automotive, electrical, packaging, and consumer goods industries.

Shorter manufacturing cycle times brought upon by our compatibilized PP composites’ enhanced processability increase production efficiency.

Improved Appearance: Applications requiring exacting aesthetic standards need the compatibilizer since it helps to smoothen the surface finish and minimize warpage in molded parts.


Наше преимущество

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Продукция на заказ
Фокус на НИОКР
Глобальные услуги

Сертификация Coace!

Сертификация ISO9001:2015
Сертификация ISO14001:2015
Регистрация в ЕС REACH

Предварительная регистрация на K-REACH в Корее

Преимущество предприятия!

Укладка в стране и за рубежом, прекрасная для смешивания
Схема внутреннего маркетинга
Схема зарубежного маркетинга




Используется в качестве связующего агента в полипропиленовых базовых компаундах для усиления адгезии между наполнителями и полимерной матрицей.

Используются в качестве компатибилизаторов для улучшения совместимости между полиамидом и полипропиленом.

Прикладная промышленность

Automotive Components: High heat resistance and dimensional stability are requirements for the manufacture of under-the-hood, exterior, and interior trim components.
Electronics and Electrical Housings: The compatibilizer offers components that need to resist the heat produced by electronic equipment outstanding thermal stability and rigidity.
Food, medical, and heavy-duty bag packaging all benefit from its improved barrier qualities and mechanical strength.
Consumer Goods: HGM-PPC guarantees heat resistance and durability in a large range of consumer goods, from appliance components to furniture pieces.



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