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Высокопривитый деформирующий агент для полиэфирных композиций

Номер модели: W5AD


Coace® W5AD - это модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полиолефиновый эластомер с высокой степенью прививки.
Внешний вид Белые гранулы
Melt index(190℃,2.16kg): g/10min 3-8
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.88
Описание товара


Coace® W5AD - это модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полиолефиновый эластомер с высокой степенью прививки.

Our High Grafted Rate Toughener is a specialized polymer additive that has been engineered to improve the toughness and overall performance of polyester compounds. By incorporating GMA as a grafting agent, this toughener offers a unique set of properties that are highly desirable in the plastics and composites industry. This innovative toughener, based on a Glycidyl Methacrylate (GMA) modified polyolefin elastomer, is designed to provide unparalleled impact strength and ductility to polyester formulations without compromising their inherent properties.


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Внешний вид Белые гранулы
Melt index(190℃,2.16kg): g/10min 3-8
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.88

Coace ® W5AD should be stored in dry conditions and protected from UV-light. Improper storage conditions may cause degradation and have consequences on physical properties of the product.

2 years from the date of delivery, in unopened packaging.

  • Exceptional Graft Efficiency: The toughener boasts an exceptional grafting rate, ensuring that the GMA is uniformly distributed throughout the polyolefin elastomer matrix. This uniform distribution is critical for achieving consistent toughening effects across the entire compound.
  • Superior Impact Resistance: The GMA modification significantly enhances the impact resistance of polyester compounds, making them ideal for applications that require high durability and the ability to withstand shock loads.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Ductility: The incorporation of our toughener results in a marked increase in the flexibility and ductility of polyester compounds, allowing them to deform without breaking under stress.
  • Improved Adhesion and Compatibility: The GMA groups on the polyolefin elastomer promote better adhesion and compatibility with polyester matrices, leading to stronger interfacial bonding and improved overall composite integrity.


Chemical Stability: Our toughener maintains excellent chemical stability, ensuring that it does not degrade or negatively affect the polyester compound during processing or in service.

Customizable Formulation: We offer a range of tougheners with varying GMA grafting levels, allowing customers to tailor the performance characteristics of their polyester compounds to meet specific application requirements.

Sustainability and Environmental Considerations: The production process of our toughener is designed with sustainability in mind, minimizing waste and reducing the environmental footprint of the manufacturing process.
Uniform Dispersion: The high grafting rate ensures that the toughening agent is uniformly dispersed within the polyester matrix, avoiding localized stress concentrations that can lead to premature failure.
Broad Processing Window: The toughener is compatible with a wide range of processing conditions, making it suitable for various manufacturing techniques, including injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding.
Long-term Durability: The enhanced interfacial bonding provided by the GMA modification results in a compound with improved long-term durability and resistance to environmental stress cracking.
Typical Industry Applications:


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Схема внутреннего маркетинга
Схема зарубежного маркетинга




Типовое применение

To be used as a toughener for polyester and the fire retardant filled polyester, eg. PET, PBT, PET/FR, PBT/FR, and other polyester compounds.

To be used as a compatibilizer for polyolefin and polyester alloys.

To be used as an adhesive for some laminate structures.

Applications in Industry:

Automotive Components: The toughened polyester compounds are ideal for manufacturing automotive parts such as bumpers, fenders, and interior components that require high impact resistance and dimensional stability.
Sporting Equipment: The enhanced toughness and flexibility make our toughened polyester compounds suitable for high-performance sporting equipment, including helmets, protective gear, and racquet frames.
Electronics and Electrical Housings: The improved impact resistance and chemical stability of the toughened polyester compounds make them ideal for use in electrical housings and casings that must withstand mechanical stress and environmental exposure.
Industrial and Consumer Goods: From tool handles to appliance casings, our toughened polyester compounds offer a combination of strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal that is highly valued in the consumer goods market.



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