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Ударные модификаторы с высокой текучестью для PA6

Номер модели: W1F-2


Coace® W1F-2 is a kind of chemical functionalized propylene base copolymer with low glass transition temperature. It owns high fluidity during the manufacturing process. It is used as impact modifiers for PA6, PA66, and polyamide base fire retardant compounds masterbatch.
Внешний вид гранулы
Цвет Белый
Индекс расплава (190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин 4-12 г/см 3 ASTM D792
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая г/10мин ASTM D1238
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.90 wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания[1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%

Описание товара


Coace® W1F-2 - это химически функционализированный сополимер на основе пропилена с низкой температурой стеклования. Он обладает высокой текучестью в процессе производства.

In order to improve the performance properties of polyamide 6 (PA6) compounds, particularly in terms of impact resistance and processability, high fluidity impact modifiers must be used. These impact modifiers, which are mostly chemically functionalized propylene-based copolymers, have a number of benefits that help PA6’s mechanical characteristics and manufacturing capabilities.
Impact modifiers with high fluidity constitute a noteworthy development in the improvement of PA6 compounds. Superior impact resistance, processability, and overall toughness are provided by their chemical functionalization, which is based on propylene copolymers. Their performance is further improved by their low glass transition temperature, which makes them appropriate for a variety of applications in a range of sectors.

Due to their distinct properties, such as their low Tg, high fluidity, and chemical makeup, high fluidity impact modifiers are essential additions for high-performance PA6 compounds. Their employment in the packaging, sports equipment, automotive, consumer electronics, home appliances, and industrial component industries demonstrates how adaptable and successful they are in enhancing material qualities.


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Внешний вид гранулы
Цвет Белый
Индекс расплава (190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин 4-12 г/см 3 ASTM D792
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая г/10мин ASTM D1238
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.90 wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания[1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%

  • Chemical Functionalization: The basis of high fluidity impact modifiers for PA6 is propylene copolymers that have undergone chemical functionalization. Reactive groups are added to the copolymer backbone during the functionalization process, and these groups might interact with the PA6 matrix. Improved mechanical qualities result from this interaction’s improvement of the impact modifier and polyamide’s compatibility and adherence.
  • Copolymer with propylene base: Propylene copolymer serves as the foundation material for these impact modifiers, offering a suitable combination of stiffness and flexibility. The copolymer structure permits alterations that can improve particular characteristics, such impact resistance, without sacrificing the material’s general stability and strength.
  • Excellent Flow: Their extreme fluidity is one of these effect modifiers’ primary characteristics. The ease with which the material can flow throughout processing is referred to as high fluidity. In order to achieve homogeneous dispersion of the impact modifier within the PA6 matrix and guarantee consistent performance and quality in the finished product, this property is essential.
  • Low Temperature of Glass Transition: The low glass transition temperature (Tg) of the impact modifiers adds to their flexibility and resilience to impacts. Even at lower temperatures, a low Tg guarantees that the material retains its ductility and efficiently absorbs impact energy.


1. Enhanced Resistance to Impact
The major increase in impact resistance of PA6 compounds is the main benefit of applying high fluidity impact modifiers. By strengthening the link between the modifier and the PA6 matrix, the chemical functionalization lowers the probability of brittle failure by improving the material’s ability to absorb and dissipate energy.

2. Improved Capability to Process
Impact modifiers with high fluidity enhance PA6’s processability. The modifier is uniformly dispersed and integrated inside the polymer matrix thanks to the processing’s ease of flow. This makes the finished product’s mechanical qualities more dependable and consistent and makes production procedures like extrusion and injection moulding easier.

3. Improved Finish on the Surface
The moulded or extruded items have a superior surface polish as a result of the impact modifiers’ high fluidity. This is especially crucial for applications where smoothness and surface aesthetics are vital. Better flow properties make it easier to fill moulds evenly and fully, which lowers the likelihood of flaws like sink marks or voids.

4. Enhanced Hardness
The modifiers not only increase impact resistance but also the overall toughness of PA6 compounds. This indicates that the material can experience substantial deformation prior to breaking, which is essential for uses where high durability and resistance to mechanical stress are required.

5. Resistance to Temperature
These modifiers’ low glass transition temperatures guarantee that the modified PA6 maintains its toughness and impact resistance throughout a wide temperature range. Because of this, the material can be used in applications where it is subjected to a wide range of temperatures.

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Типовое применение

Используется в качестве модификаторов ударной вязкости для огнезащитных составов на основе PA6, PA66 и полиамида.

Используются в качестве компатибилизаторов для улучшения совместимости между полиамидом и полипропиленом или полиэтиленом.

Типичные промышленные применения

1. Automobile Sector
High fluidity impact modifiers are used in the automotive industry to improve the performance of PA6 in a variety of components that need to have a high level of impact resistance and a smooth surface. Under-the-hood parts, exterior and interior trim pieces, and structural components are typical uses. These parts can endure the rigours of automotive operation, including exposure to high and low temperatures and mechanical stress, because to their increased toughness and processability.

2. Electronics for Consumers
High fluidity impact modifiers offer superior surface smoothness and impact resistance, which is advantageous to the consumer electronics sector. Impact modifier-modified PA6 compounds are utilised in housings, connectors, and other parts that need to be highly durable and aesthetically pleasing. The modifiers guarantee that the electronic equipment are resistant to drops and normal handling.

3. Domestic Appliances
Impact modifiers with high fluidity improve the performance of PA6, which is utilised in kitchen and laundry appliances as well as other household appliances. Because of their increased toughness and impact resistance, these items are more reliable and have a longer lifespan because they can withstand impact and mechanical stress while being used.

4. Use in Industry
High fluidity impact modifier-modified PA6 compounds are employed in protective housings, gears, and machinery parts in industrial environments. These components are appropriate for heavy-duty applications where they must endure severe weather and mechanical wear because of their increased toughness and impact resistance.

5. The Packaging Sector
High fluidity impact modifiers combined with PA6 are used by the packaging industry to create robust, impact-resistant packaging materials. This is especially crucial for packing whose contents need to be shielded from harm during handling and transportation, such as delicate or precious items. Additionally, the enhanced processability guarantees the efficient and high-quality production of packaging materials.

6. Athletic Gear
High fluidity impact modifiers offer improved impact resistance and toughness, which is beneficial for high-performance sports equipment like helmets, protective gear, and athletic goods. These characteristics are essential for guaranteeing sports equipment’s longevity and safety during vigorous exercise and impact.


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