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Glycidyl Methacrylate Modified Compatibilizer for Polyolefin and Polyester Alloys

Номер модели: W5A-2


Coace® W5A-2 is a glycidyl methacrylate modified polyolefin elastomer used as compatibilizer for polyolefin and polyester alloys.


Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.88 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 3-8 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.

Описание товара


Coace® W5A-2 - это модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полиолефиновый эластомер с высокой степенью прививки.

Designed as a specialised polyolefin elastomer, the Glycidyl Methacrylate developed Compatibilizer has been developed using GMA to attain a high grafting rate. This change brings reactive epoxy groups that can create covalent connections with different polymer matrices, thereby improving compatibility and interfacial adhesion in polyolefin and polyester alloys.
High grafting rate glyceryl metacrylate (GMA) modified polyolefin elastomer COACE® W5A-2 By including reactive epoxy groups into the polyolefin molecular chain, this material greatly increases its adhesion to polyester and other filler materials, hence boosting the compatibility between several polyesters.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.88 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 3-8 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.

  • High Grafted Rate: The polyolefin elastomer backbone shows a notable fraction of GMA has been well integrated into, so offering a dense array of reactive sites.
  • Reactive Epoxy Groups: Reactive epoxy groups give the compatibilizer great reactivity thereby enabling it to create strong chemical connections with many different polymers, including polyolefins and polyesters.
  • Improved Dispersion: The structure of the compatibilizer encourages homogeneous dispersion inside the alloy matrix, therefore producing a homogeneous blend with improved mechanical qualities.
  • Good compatibility: GMA modified polyolefin elastomer’s epoxy groups help to increase the compatibility between several polyesters as well as between polyolefin and polyester. For manufacture of a variety of composite materials, this makes COACE® W5A-2 perfect.
  • Excellent toughening effect: Research indicates that GMA modified polyolefin elastomer has outstanding toughening effect at low temperature, particularly in the application of polyester and polyolefin alloys, it may considerably increase the impact strength and fracture of the material. hardiness.


Enhanced Mechanical Properties: The compatibilizer greatly increases the tensile strength, impact resistance, and elongation at break of the resultant alloys, therefore offering strong materials for many uses.

Improved Processability: High grafting rate guarantees that the compatibilizer is miscible with the alloy components, therefore simplifying the processing procedures and lowering the demand for other processing aids.

Chemical Stability: By providing resistance to degradation under several environmental circumstances, the epoxy groups help the alloys to be chemically stable.

Customisable Compatibility: To fit particular polymer systems, the degree of GMA modification can be changed, therefore offering a great degree of customising.

Cost-Effective Solution: Improving the interfacial adhesion and lowering the demand for further reinforcements helps the compatibilizer provide a reasonably priced solution for alloy manufacture.

Environmentally friendly: COACE® W5A-2 manufacturing method conforms with environmental criteria and generates no negative emissions as a chemically modified polymer does. This provides it major benefits in sustainable development and green manufacturing.


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Сертификация Coace!

Сертификация ISO9001:2015
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Типовое применение

To be used as a toughener for polyester and the fire retardant filled polyester, eg. PET, PBT, PET/FR, PBT/FR, and other polyester compounds.
Используется в качестве компатибилизатора для полиолефиновых и полиэфирных сплавов.
Используется в качестве клея для некоторых ламинированных конструкций.

Индустрия применения

Automotive Industry: Under-the-hood parts, exterior panels, and interior trims—among other components needing great strength and durability—are produced using the compatibilizer.

Packaging Industry: Compatibilizer improves the mechanical strength and barrier qualities of multilayer films and containers in packaging, therefore extending the shelf life and integrity of the packaged items.

Textile Industry: More durable and comfortable fabrics result from the compatibilizer’s use to enhance the strength and flexibility of polyolefin and polyester fibres for textile uses.

Electronics Industry: High impact resistance and dimensional stability demanded in electronic housings and casings calls for the compatibilizer in production.

Construction Materials: Compatibilizer is used in building to improve the durability and weather resistance of polymer-based building materials including siding panels and roofing tiles.


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