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Прививочный полимер с функциональной группой глицидилового эфира

Номер модели: W5B
W5B - это тип привитого полимера, содержащего функциональную группу глицидилового эфира. Материал состоит из полиолефинового эластомера в качестве матричного материала и глицидиловых эфирных групп, привитых к основе эластомера. Полученный материал обладает высокой реакционной способностью и низким остатком, что делает его полезным в различных областях применения.
W5B - это универсальный материал, обладающий уникальной комбинацией свойств, включая высокую реакционную способность, низкий уровень остатков, гибкость, прочность и химическую стойкость.
Описание товара


W5B - прививочный полимер, содержащий функциональную группу глицидилового эфира, в качестве матричного материала - полиолефиновый эластомер, обладающий высокой реакционной способностью и низким остатком.

Our Glycidyl Ester Functional Group Graft Polymer is a state-of-the-art polymer that excels in performance and adaptability across a wide range of applications. This cutting-edge product is created to satisfy the strict demands of businesses looking for advanced materials with improved qualities. It is made by grafting glycidyl ester functional groups onto a polymer backbone to create a high-performance polymer. The polymer has outstanding functionality and reactivity thanks to its distinctive chemical structure, which also makes it highly adaptable to a variety of applications.


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Более 10 опытных технических специалистов по исследованиям и разработкам обеспечивают непрерывные инновации.

  • W5B is a type of graft polymer that contains a glycidyl ester functional group. The material is composed of a polyolefin elastomer as the matrix material, with the glycidyl ester groups grafted onto the elastomer backbone. The resulting material has a high reactivity and low residue, making it useful in a variety of applications.Dry-running and corrosion-resistant
  • The glycidyl ester functional group in W5B provides the material with unique properties, such as the ability to react with other chemicals or materials. This reactivity makes W5B useful as a crosslinking agent, which can be used to improve the strength and durability of polymers in a variety of applications. For example, W5B can be used in coatings, adhesives, and composites to improve their mechanical properties and enhance their performance.
  • The polyolefin elastomer matrix material in W5B provides the material with flexibility, toughness, and excellent resistance to chemicals and weathering. This makes W5B suitable for use in demanding applications where the material is exposed to harsh environments or extreme conditions.

Overall, W5B is a versatile material that offers a unique combination of properties, including high reactivity, low residue, flexibility, toughness, and chemical resistance. It is used in a variety of industries, including automotive, construction, and electronics, among others.




The graft polymer can participate in a variety of chemical reactions and cross-linking activities thanks to the strong reactivity of the glycidyl ester functional group, which is one of its key features and benefits. The creation of customized formulas is made easier by this feature’s enhanced compatibility with other materials.

Versatility: The graft polymer’s capacity to alter the characteristics of host polymers or function independently is what gives it this property. In accordance with the needs of the particular application, it can improve mechanical strength, adhesion, chemical resistance, and thermal stability.

Promotion of Adhesion: The glycidyl ester functional group helps a variety of substrates, such as metals, polymers, and composites, adhere strongly to one another. The graft polymer is perfect for applications where bonding strength and durability are essential due to this characteristic.

Tailored Performance: The characteristics of the polymer can be tailored to satisfy certain performance requirements by carefully controlling the grafting process and formulation. In order to produce the desired mechanical, electrical, or surface properties, this entails altering the molecular weight, graft density, and monomer composition.

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1. Совместитель для сплавов полиолефинов и полиэфиров

2. Используется для усиленного наполнения ПБТ/ПЭТ, низкотемпературного упрочняющего модифицирования

Решения по отраслям

a. The exceptional adhesion capabilities and reactivity of the graft polymer make it a perfect component for creating high-performance adhesives and sealants. It increases the bond’s tensile strength, offers chemical resistance, and lengthens the lasting power of bonded parts.

b. Coatings and Surface Modifications: The graft polymer can be applied to substrates as a coating or surface modification to improve their performance. It is appropriate for use in automotive, aerospace, and industrial coatings because it enhances adhesion, abrasion resistance, and chemical resistance.

c. Polymer Modification: The graft polymer can be added to different polymer matrices to improve their tensile strength, flexural modulus, and impact resistance. The modification of thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers are among its uses.

d. Composite Materials: The graft polymer is useful in composite materials because it can improve adhesion and compatibility.It may result in improved mechanical properties and overall performance by strengthening the interfacial connection between reinforcing fibers and matrix materials.

e.Functional Additive: The graft polymer can be used as a functional additive in a variety of applications, including biomedical materials,

electronics, packaging, and many others. Depending on the individual requirements, it imparts desired features like electrical conductivity, barrier properties, or biocompatibility.



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