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Пленка для упаковки пищевых продуктов термосвариваемая

Номер модели: K2B


Основной материал герметика для пищевых пленок K2B компании COACE содержит в молекулярной цепи мономер винилацетат, который снижает кристалличность полиэтилена и дополнительно улучшает характеристики термозапечатывания композитной пленки.
Описание товара


When it comes to protecting the quality and safety of packed food goods, heat sealants for food packaging film are an extremely important component. These sealants have been developed with the express purpose of producing airtight and secure seals, which helps to maintain the freshness of the product and increase its shelf life.

When it comes to guaranteeing the safety, freshness, and prolonged shelf life of packaged food goods, heat sealants for food packaging film play a crucial role. Sealants like these provide dependable and airtight seals because of their outstanding heat seal strength, temperature endurance, and compatibility with a variety of film materials. Additionally, their applicability for a variety of food packaging applications is further strengthened by the fact that they have improved barrier qualities, are flexible, and comply with regulations on food safety. The fact that these sealants are available with alternatives that are easy to peel and reseal, in addition to the fact that they are environmentally friendly, makes them an excellent choice for both producer and consumer alike. It is possible for manufacturers to improve the packaging of their products, reduce the amount of food that is wasted, and satisfy the ever-changing demands of the food business if they choose the appropriate heat sealant for food packaging film.


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Более 10 опытных технических специалистов по исследованиям и разработкам обеспечивают непрерывные инновации.




  • Heat Seal Strength and dependability: Heat sealants for food packaging film are designed to give exceptional heat seal strength and dependability at the same time. They possess exceptional bonding properties, which guarantee that the seal will be preserved in its original state throughout the product’s entire existence. A careful balance is maintained between the seal strength and the ability to provide enough barrier protection while still allowing consumers to easily open the package.
  • Temperature Resistance: Heat sealants for food packaging films are designed to be tough enough to withstand a wide range of temperatures that may be encountered during the packaging process and while the food is being stored. They are able to keep their integrity even when subjected to high temperatures, which guarantees that the seals will be reliable without compromising the quality or safety of the food that is being packaged.
  • Compatible with a Wide Range of Film Materials Heat sealants for food packaging films are compatible with a wide range of film materials, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and other types of packaging films. It is because of this versatility that producers are able to select the film material that is most appropriate for their particular food products while still obtaining the highest possible level of heat sealing performance.




Heat sealants, which are used in food packaging films, have good barrier qualities, which are essential for maintaining the quality and freshness of packed food. These features are enhanced by the use of heat sealants. These sealants offer an efficient barrier against oxygen, moisture, light, and other external elements that have the potential to destroy the product. Through the maintenance of a hermetic seal, heat sealants contribute to the prevention of spoiling, the extension of shelf life, and the preservation of fragrance and nutritional content.

Food packaging film heat sealants have remarkable flexibility, which enables them to adhere to the shape and contours of the packaging materials. Additionally, they maintain the integrity of the seal once they have been applied. The flexibility of this material allows for uniform and consistent seals to be achieved, even on packages with uneven shapes. This reduces the likelihood of leaks or product contamination occurring. Despite the fact that the package is subject to a variety of situations, including transit, handling, and storage, the integrity of the seal is preserved.

Compliance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Food Safety: Heat sealants for food packaging films are designed and manufactured in accordance with the necessary regulations and standards, including those established by the FDA. To ensure that they are safe for use in direct contact with food, these sealants are subjected to stringent testing techniques. With the knowledge that these sealants are up to the highest standards of food safety, manufacturers can use them with complete assurance in those applications that involve food packaging.


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Applications That Are Versatile Heat sealants for food packaging film have a wide variety of applications across the food sector. They are utilized in the packaging of a wide range of food items, such as snacks, baked goods, fresh vegetables, dairy products, frozen meals, and a variety of other food items. Sealants are ideal for use in a variety of packaging formats, including pouches, trays, cups, and containers, as well as rigid and flexible packaging formats.

Easy Peel and Reseal Options: Certain heat sealants for food packaging film offer the convenience of easy peel and reseal features. These characteristics enable customers to open and reseal the packaging several times without compromising the integrity of the seal. This capability improves convenience, increases the freshness of the product, and lowers the amount of food that is wasted.



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