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Огнестойкий наполненный полиэфирный тушер для ПЭТ ПБТ с высокой степенью прививки

Номер модели: W5AD


Coace® W5AD - это модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полиолефиновый эластомер с высокой степенью прививки.
Внешний вид Белые гранулы
Индекс расплава (190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин 3-8
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.88
Описание товара


Coace® W5AD - это модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полиолефиновый эластомер с высокой степенью прививки.

One of the biggest challenges in polymer engineering is to design materials that combine improved mechanical qualities with fire retardancy. Using a high grafting rate of glycidyl methacrylate modified polyolefin elastomer, our novel fire retardant filled polyester toughener for PET and PBT tackles this issue directly. Industry standards requiring both performance and safety are met by this device.

Widely utilized polymers with outstanding mechanical and processibility characteristics are polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polybutylene terephthalate (PBT). Their restricted intrinsic flame retardancy, meanwhile, can be a disadvantage in some uses. We have created a new toughener to get around this, which imparts fire retardancy in addition to enhancing the mechanical characteristics of PET and PBT.


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Внешний вид Белые гранулы
Индекс расплава (190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин 3-8
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.88

Coace ® W5AD should be stored in dry conditions and protected from UV-light. Improper storage conditions may cause degradation and have consequences on physical properties of the product.

2 years from the date of delivery, in unopened packaging.

  • High Grafted Rate: The high grafted rate of the polyolefin elastomer used in our toughener guarantees a homogeneous dispersion inside the polyester matrix and the best possible interaction with the PET and PBT polymer chains.
  • Enhanced Fire Retardancy: The reactive epoxy groups from the glycidyl methacrylate modification, together with fire retardant fillers, greatly increase the polyester materials’ flame resistance.
  • Better Mechanical Properties: PET and PBT are now appropriate for applications needing excellent mechanical performance since the toughener improves their tensile strength, impact resistance, and elongation at break.
  • Better resistance to different chemicals provided by the modified polyolefin elastomer guarantees the stability and robustness of polyester materials in demanding conditions.
  • Thermal Stability: Our toughener keeps PET and PBT thermally stable so that processing at high temperatures won’t damage the material.


Processing Ease: Our toughener simplifies production by lowering the viscosity of the polyester mix and improving melt flow, therefore lowering production costs.

Multifunctional Performance: Our product is a flexible option for a wider range of applications since, unlike traditional tougheners, which concentrate only on improving mechanical properties, it also offers fire retardancy.

Superior Compatibility: A homogenous blend and constant performance throughout the material are ensured by the high grafted rate of glycidyl methacrylate, which also guarantees outstanding compatibility with PBT.

Customizability: We guarantee best performance suited to the needs of our clients by providing the possibility to modify the toughener to satisfy certain application requirements.


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Типовое применение

To be used as a toughener for polyester and the fire retardant filled polyester, eg. PET, PBT, PET/FR, PBT/FR, and other polyester compounds.

Используется в качестве компатибилизатора для полиолефиновых и полиэфирных сплавов.

Используется в качестве клея для некоторых ламинированных конструкций.

Применение в промышленности:

Our toughener finds use in a range of industries, such as:

Automotive: Where both mechanical strength and flame resistance are essential, usage in interior parts, electrical systems, and under-the-hood components.
Electronics and Electrical: In the production of flame retardant and electrically insulated connectors, housings, and circuit breakers.
Aerospace: For parts that must satisfy exacting fire safety regulations and endure great mechanical stress.
In building and construction materials that need to be fire resistant without sacrificing structural integrity.



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