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EVA Solar Encapsulation Film Additives

Номер модели: R2120


Additives for EVA (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate) solar encapsulation films are essential for improving the efficiency and robustness of PV modules.
Производительность Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.95g/㎤ ASTM D792
Температура плавления(DSC) 69℃(156℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃2.16kg) 5-15 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание силана Высокая Внутренний метод
Описание товара


The photovoltaic industry finds EVA solar encapsulation film additives to be highly beneficial due to their unique features, advantages, and application qualities. These additives improve the power output, moisture barrier, mechanical protection, and cost-effectiveness of solar modules with their optical clarity, encapsulation qualities, UV resistance, and crosslinking ability. Their adaptability in EVA-based encapsulation films and production processes is further demonstrated by their compatibility, processability, and customizability. EVA solar encapsulation film additives are anticipated to be crucial in improving the efficiency and robustness of photovoltaic systems as the demand for solar energy keeps rising.


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Производительность Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.95g/㎤ ASTM D792
Температура плавления(DSC) 69℃(156℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃2.16kg) 5-15 г/10 мин ASTM D1238
Содержание силана Высокая Внутренний метод

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Упаковка и транспортировка: 20 кг пластиковый пакет, в соответствии с неопасных товаров, избегать солнечного света, дождя.

The performance of EVA solar encapsulation film additives in the solar business is attributed to a number of unique qualities. Among these characteristics are:

  • Optical Transparency: The high optical transparency of EVA additives enables a substantial amount of light to pass through the encapsulation coating and onto the solar cells underneath. By doing this, the module’s overall energy conversion efficiency is increased and optimal energy absorption is guaranteed.
  • Excellent encapsulation qualities are provided by these compounds, shielding the solar cells from outside elements such moisture, dust, and mechanical stress. As a result, long-term dependability and module durability are increased.
  • Crosslinking Capability: When subjected to high temperatures and pressures during the lamination process, EVA additives show signs of crosslinking. As a result, the encapsulating layer and the solar cells form a solid bond that guarantees long-term adhesion and inhibits delamination.
  • UV Resistance: EVA solar encapsulation film additives provide outstanding UV resistance, shielding the solar cells underneath from the damaging effects of extended sun exposure. This keeps the module from degrading in performance and guarantees its longevity.

For photovoltaic applications, adding EVA solar encapsulation film additives has the following benefits:
Enhanced Power Output: By minimizing reflection and raising the solar cells’ ability to absorb energy, these chemicals maximize light transmission through the encapsulation coating. As a result, the power output and total module efficiency are increased.

Moisture Barrier: By keeping moisture out of the module, EVA additives effectively reduce the chance of corrosion, electrical leakage, and performance deterioration. This extends the lifetime and dependability of the module.

Mechanical Protection: The additions in the EVA solar encapsulation layer shield the solar cells from physical harm brought on by collisions, vibrations, and heat stress. This feature guarantees the module’s durability and long-term functioning.
Cost-Effectiveness: Over the course of their operational lifetime, EVA additives help to lower maintenance and replacement expenses by lengthening the longevity and dependability of solar modules. They are therefore an affordable option for solar energy installations.


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Additives for EVA solar encapsulation films are used in a number of photovoltaic system-related sectors, such as:
Solar installations for homes and businesses: These chemicals are frequently used in solar modules to boost electricity output, dependability, and durability in both residential and commercial settings.

Utility-Scale Solar Projects: The use of EVA additives in large-scale solar systems is beneficial to the project’s success because of its improved module performance, mechanical protection, and long-term stability.

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): The enhanced appearance, dependability, and efficiency provided by EVA solar encapsulation film additives are advantageous for BIPV applications, including solar roofs and facades.

Off-Grid and Remote Power Systems: In off-grid and remote power systems, mechanical strength, moisture protection, and module lifetime are important considerations. These systems benefit greatly from the use of EVA additives.




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