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EVA Photovoltaic Film Anti-Acidification Masterbatch

Model No.: RM208


RM208 is an organic anti-acidification masterbatch. Compared with the inorganic type, it has no effect on light transmittance. It is anti-acid and can also capture cations, and has a certain anti-PID effect.
Характеристики Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16 кг) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Внешний вид White Translucent Granules /
Описание товара


RM208 is a special functional masterbatch based on ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. With its organic anti-acidification properties, RM208 is a masterbatch. When compared to the inorganic variety, it does not have any impact on the amount of light that is transmitted. It has a certain anti-PID action in addition to being an anti-acid and having the ability to capture cations.


The EVA Photovoltaic Film Anti-Acidification Masterbatch is a ground-breaking solution that has the potential to increase the longevity and functionality of photovoltaic modules used in solar energy systems. Because of its acid-neutralizing properties, UV stability, weather resistance, and compatibility with EVA encapsulant materials, it is a very attractive component for acid-induced deterioration protection. This masterbatch provides a number of advantages, including longer module lifespan, greater performance, lower degradation risk, and cost-efficiency. The masterbatch has a variety of applications, including preventing acidification in photovoltaic modules. These applications include commercial and utility-scale solar installations. The EVA Photovoltaic Film Anti-Acidification Masterbatch is a reliable and effective solution that is growing more popular as the solar industry grows. This method is intended to preserve the longevity and efficiency of solar panels.


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Характеристики Значение Метод испытания
Плотность 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16 кг) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Внешний вид White Translucent Granules /
  • Neutralisation of the Masterbatch Acid Level: The masterbatch is comprised of specialised additives that are capable of successfully neutralising acidic chemicals that may come into contact with the EVA encapsulant or its surroundings. Through the use of this acid neutralisation procedure, the PV module is protected against its destruction caused by acid.
  • Increased UV Stability: The masterbatch affords the EVA encapsulant an exceptional level of UV stability, so shielding the PV cells that lie beneath it from the destruction caused by ultraviolet light. This stability guarantees that the solar panel will continue to work well and reliably over the long term.
  • Enhanced Resistance to the Elements: The masterbatch, which possesses enhanced weather resistance, protects the EVA encapsulant from the potentially detrimental effects of changes in temperature, humidity, and moisture. This resistance contributes to the module’s increased longevity in a wide range of adverse environmental conditions.
  • The masterbatch creates a barrier that prevents acidic chemicals from diffusing into the EVA encapsulant. This barrier is known as the acid diffusion barrier. In order to maintain the PV module’s structural integrity, this barrier prevents acid from penetrating the module.
  • Dispersion That Is Optimised The masterbatch is designed to achieve optimal dispersion inside the EVA matrix. This ensures that acid-neutralizing agents are distributed uniformly throughout the encapsulant. This consistent dispersion makes the anti-acidification qualities more effective than they would have been otherwise.
  • Compatibility with EVA: The masterbatch has been developed in such a way that it is compatible with EVA encapsulant materials, which are typically utilised in PV modules. Neither the encapsulant’s physical nor its mechanical qualities are affected in any way by this condition.


By preventing acid damage, the masterbatch serves to extend the lifespan of photovoltaic modules. Solar installations have a higher return on investment due to their durability, as well as fewer maintenance costs.

Performance Improvements: The masterbatch’s acid-neutralizing properties ensure that the solar module’s efficiency and power generation remain constant throughout time. This enhanced performance is essential required to maximise energy generation.

Environmental safety measures The masterbatch offers superior protection against environmental factors like as pollution, acid rain, and extreme weather. It protects the solar module from harmful elements, ensuring that its quality and dependability remain intact.

The masterbatch has an acid diffusion barrier, which reduces the chance of degradation. This barrier protects the EVA encapsulant from acidic substances, which could cause disintegration. This ensures that the module will function consistently and reduces the likelihood of it failing.

Incorporating the masterbatch into EVA encapsulant formulations is a low-cost and effective way to shield solar modules from acidification. This eliminates the need for expensive repairs or replacements caused by acid-induced damage.


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Типовое применение

Used to improve the anti-PID performance of photovoltaic adhesive film

The masterbatch was created with the specific goal of being used in photovoltaic modules and solar energy systems. This material can be used for both crystalline silicon and thin-film photovoltaic applications. Inorganic, it has no effect on light transmittance, is acid-proof and can capture cations, and has a certain anti-PID effect.

Application Industry

Installations of Solar Panels in Commercial and Residential Settings Solar panel manufacturers and installers can integrate the masterbatch into their EVA encapsulant formulations to improve the durability and acid resistance of solar panels that are used in commercial and residential settings.

Formulations of EVA Encapsulants: During the production process of photovoltaic modules, the masterbatch can be immediately included into formulations of EVA encapsulants. Typically, The recommended addition amount is 1 to 3%.

Pre-Applied EVA Sheets: When it comes to pre-applied EVA sheets, manufacturers have the ability to offer them with the masterbatch already integrated. The application of these sheets streamlines the process of module assembly for solar panel producers, while ensuring that acid protection is both consistent and effective.

During the lamination process, the masterbatch can also be applied as a coating on the surface of PV modules. This is referred to as another application of additive coatings. Without affecting the modules’ look, this coating improves their resistance to acid without affecting their functionality.

Customised Solutions: Solar panel manufacturers have the ability to collaborate with masterbatch providers in order to generate customised solutions that are tailored to their particular module designs and performance requirements. This ensures that the module has optimal acid protection and a long lifespan.



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