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EPE Solar Film Additives

Номер модели: R1120


EPE additives can be tailored to meet specific application requirements, such as desired thickness, density, and mechanical properties.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Температура плавления 46 DSC
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 8- 15 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание функциональных групп Высокая wt% Метод COACE
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Coace® R1120 - химически функционализированный сополимер этилена, используемый в качестве модификатора в фотоэлектрических пленках.

EPE solar film additives are extremely relevant and valuable in the photovoltaic sector because of their many special features, benefits, and application qualities. EPE additives are lightweight, have superior thermal insulation, cushioning qualities, are water resistant, and have other noteworthy qualities that help to increase mechanical strength, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability. Their ease of integration and compatibility with different solar panel technologies serve to further emphasize their versatility. EPE solar film additives are anticipated to be a major factor in the performance and development of photovoltaic systems as the industry develops further.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Плотность 0.87 г/см3 ASTM D792
Температура плавления 46 DSC
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 8- 15 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание функциональных групп Высокая wt% Метод COACE
Внешний вид Гранулы / /
Цвет Прозрачный или белый / /

EPE solar film additives are effective in the photovoltaic sector because of a number of unique qualities. Among these characteristics are:

  • Low density: The lightweight properties of EPE additives reduce the total weight of the solar panel, making handling, transporting, and installation procedures simpler.
  • Superior thermal insulation is achieved by the EPE additives, which also lessen heat transmission inside the solar panel construction. This helps to improve energy efficiency and sustain ideal operating temperatures.
  • Cushioning and shock absorption: During transit, installation, and operation, solar panels are shielded from mechanical impacts and vibrations by the excellent cushioning and shock absorption properties of EPE additives. This characteristic guarantees the panels’ long-term functioning and helps increase their lifespan.
  • Water resistance: The inherent water resistance of EPE solar film additives reduces the possibility of material deterioration and moisture intrusion. This feature makes solar panels more resilient and dependable in a range of weather situations.


For photovoltaic applications, using EPE solar film additives has the following benefits:

Increased energy conversion efficiency: By efficiently dissipating heat, EPE additives reduce the incidence of hotspots and energy losses, hence increasing the efficiency with which solar panels convert energy.

Increased mechanical strength: EPE additives strengthen the solar panels’ structural integrity, increasing their robustness against physical stresses including collisions, wind loads, and snow loads.

Cost-effectiveness: For solar panel makers, EPE additives offer an affordable option. Their accessibility, low cost, and simplicity of integration into current production procedures all help to lower manufacturing costs overall.

Sustainability of the environment: The environmental goals of the industry are in line with the additions of EPE solar film. They assist lower the carbon footprint connected with the production and use of solar panels, are recyclable, and improve the energy efficiency of solar panels.


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A wide range of photovoltaic system-related companies use EPEC solar film additives, including:

Solar installations for homes and businesses: EPE additives offer improved performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness and are commonly utilized in solar panels for both residential and commercial applications.

Utility-scale solar projects: The energy efficiency, mechanical strength, and long-term dependability of EPE additives are employed in large-scale solar systems, which enhance the project’s overall success.

Reliability, durability, and ease of installation are critical aspects in off-grid and remote power systems, where EPE additives are beneficial.

Transportation powered by the sun: EPE additives can be added to solar panels to improve their longevity and energy efficiency in electric cars, airplanes, and marine vessels.



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