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Электретный мастербатч EM-1 на основе полипропилена

Номер модели: EM-1


Coace ® EM-1 - электретный мастербатч на основе полипропилена, который легко улавливает свободный электрический заряд и обладает длительной поляризационной способностью.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Пеллеты
Цвет Белый полупрозрачный
Плотность 0.92 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(230℃2.16kg) 1400±200 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Температура плавления (ДСК) 165 °C ASTM D3418
Описание товара


Coace ® EM-1 - электретный мастербатч на основе полипропилена, который легко улавливает свободный электрический заряд и обладает длительной поляризационной способностью.

Электретный мастербатч обычно содержит проводящий или полупроводящий материал, например, сажу или наночастицы оксидов металлов, и полярный материал, например, фторполимер или сополимер этилена и акриловой кислоты. Проводящий материал обеспечивает способность к накоплению заряда, а полярный материал помогает стабилизировать заряд и предотвратить его разрушение с течением времени.

Обычно маточная смесь добавляется в полипропилен на стадии переработки, например, экструзии или литья под давлением. В процессе переработки проводящие частицы ориентируются вдоль направления потока, создавая постоянный заряд в получаемом изделии.

Полипропиленовые изделия на основе электретных мастербатчей имеют различные области применения, в том числе:

1.Электростатическая фильтрация воздуха, при которой заряженные полипропиленовые волокна могут захватывать и удерживать находящиеся в воздухе частицы.

2.Борьба с электростатической пылью в различных отраслях промышленности, таких как электроника, оптика или фармацевтика.

3.конденсаторы или датчики на основе электретов, в которых постоянный заряд может быть использован для измерения или хранения энергии.

Таким образом, электретный мастербатч на основе полипропилена представляет собой материал, способный создавать постоянный электростатический заряд в изделиях на основе полипропилена, и имеет различные применения в электростатической фильтрации воздуха, борьбе с пылью, а также в качестве компонента конденсаторов или датчиков.

An new product that combines the advantages of electret technology with the adaptability of polypropylene is called the Electret Masterbatch based on Polypropylene. This masterbatch is especially made to improve the functioning and performance of items made of polypropylene. It has greatly increased in popularity across several industries because to its extraordinary qualities and distinguishing benefits.
Functionality: The polypropylene-based electret masterbatch is designed to provide polypropylene products exceptional electret qualities. The process used in electret technology entails imbuing the material with a persistent electrostatic charge, which improves its functionality in a variety of applications. The finished products’ functionality and durability are increased as a result of this masterbatch’s capacity to properly preserve the electrostatic charge.

EM-1 Electret Masterbatch enhances the electret characteristics of materials and provides great value and performance. It is based on polypropylene. This masterbatch transforms the electret material market with its polypropylene matrix, stability, improved electret performance, and simplicity of inclusion. In sectors including air filtration, electronics, medical and healthcare, and energy harvesting, potential customers can gain improved electret performance, versatile compatibility, sustainability, and process efficiency by integrating this masterbatch into their manufacturing processes. The remarkable attributes and benefits of the masterbatch render it a compelling option for producers looking to enhance the efficacy, dependability, and efficiency of their electret-oriented uses.


Coace ® EM-1 - электретный мастербатч на основе полипропилена, который легко улавливает свободный электрический заряд и обладает длительной поляризационной способностью.

An electret masterbatch based on polypropylene is a material that can be used to create a permanent electrostatic charge in polypropylene-based products. This charge can be used for various purposes, such as electrostatic dust control, air filtration, or as a component of capacitors or sensors.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Пеллеты
Цвет Белый полупрозрачный
Плотность 0.92 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(230℃2.16kg) 1400±200 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Температура плавления (ДСК) 165 °C ASTM D3418



  • Enhanced Electret Performance: Materials’ electret performance is markedly improved by EM-1 Electret Masterbatch. It makes it possible to produce materials with durable electrostatic qualities, which enhances the performance of the material overall, filtering efficiency, and static charge retention.
  • Flexibility in Polymer Systems: The masterbatch demonstrates wide range adaptability to different polymer systems, such as polypropylene, polyethylene, and other thermoplastic materials. This adaptability broadens the range of possible industries and applications by enhancing a variety of electret applications.
  • Sustainable Solution: By making it possible to produce durable electret materials, EM-1 Electret Masterbatch provides a sustainable solution. Because of its extended electrostatic qualities, there is less need for frequent replacement, which saves money and is better for the environment.
  • Process Efficiency: By making it easier to incorporate, the masterbatch enhances operational efficiency by streamlining the processing of electret materials. This reduces production time and costs by allowing manufacturers to easily incorporate the masterbatch into their current production processes.

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To improve the charge retention rate, lower decay value and prolong charge retention period.

To improve the filtration efficiency of melt-blown non-woven fabric

Решение по отраслям

Numerous industries and electret material formulations find use for EM-1 Electret Masterbatch, including:

Air Filtration: The masterbatch is widely used in respirators, HVAC systems, and car cabin filters, among other air filtration applications. It improves the filtration effectiveness, dust-holding capacity, and general air quality by enhancing the electret performance of filter medium.

Electronic Devices: Speakers, microphones, and sensors are among the electret-based electronic devices that are produced using EM-1 Electret Masterbatch. It improves the sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, and general performance of these devices by enhancing their electret characteristics.

Medical and Healthcare: Products like surgical masks, wound dressings, and medication delivery systems are among the medical and healthcare items that use the masterbatch. It contributes to better filtration, antibacterial qualities, and medication release efficiency by improving these materials’ electret performance.

Energy Harvesting: Electrostatic generators and energy storage devices are two examples of applications that use EM-1 Electret Masterbatch for energy harvesting. It helps to provide sustainable energy solutions by making electrostatic energy capture and storage more effective.



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