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copolymer modifier used as compatibilizer in PA/ABS and PC/ABS

Номер модели: KS-01


KS-01 is a polymer of styrene and maleic anhydride.
KS-01 is a polymer of styrene and maleic anhydride. Because it is a compatibilizer obtained by polymerization, its maleic anhydride content is relatively high, and it can be used as a compatibilizer for AS, ABS and other materials. KS-01 is a copolymer of styrene and maleic anhydride (SMA). Because it is obtained by polymerization, its maleic anhydride content is relatively high compared to other SMA derivatives. As a result, KS-01 can be used as a compatibilizer for a variety of different materials, including acrylonitrile-styrene (AS) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) resins.


KS-01 - это полимер стирола и малеинового ангидрида. Поскольку он является компатибилизатором, полученным путем полимеризации, содержание малеинового ангидрида в нем относительно велико, и он может использоваться в качестве компатибилизатора для AS, ABS и других материалов.

As a compatibilizer, KS-01 can help to improve the compatibility and adhesion between different materials that might otherwise be difficult to blend or mix together. By incorporating KS-01 into a blend of AS or ABS resin, for example, it is possible to create a more homogeneous and consistent material with improved mechanical and thermal properties. KS-01 can also help to reduce the viscosity of the melt, which can improve the processing and manufacturing of the final product.

We offer a copolymer modifier that is a very efficient compatibilizer for usage in blends of PC/ABS and PA/ABS. High-performance materials can benefit greatly from its better mechanical qualities, enhanced compatibility, and outstanding processing features. Our copolymer modifier is a dependable and adaptable solution for attaining optimal blend performance in various industries, whether it PA/ABS or PC/ABS applications.


Features: This product is styrene and MAH copolymer, which is especally suitable for molfledcompatibilizer of AS, ABS and other materials.


Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Пеллеты
Цвет Белый
Плотность 1.15 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(230℃2.16kg) 4.5-7.5 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида 16-20 wt% Метод COACE[1]




Enhanced Compatibility: By serving as a link between the immiscible components of PC/ABS and PA/ABS blends, the copolymer modifier greatly increases their compatibility. It encourages interfacial adhesion, which improves the blend’s overall performance and mechanical qualities.

Improved Mechanical qualities: Our copolymer modifier improves important mechanical qualities like tensile strength, impact resistance, and flexural strength by efficiently spreading and compatibilizing the polymer mix. As a result, the material becomes stronger and more resilient, making it ideal for demanding applications.

Optimal Processing: The copolymer modifier has outstanding melt flow characteristics, making processing tasks like mixing and molding simpler. It lessens processing challenges such phase separation, poor melt homogeneity, and melt fracture that are brought on by incompatible polymer mixes.



1.Compatibilizer for AS/GF or ABS/GF reinforced composite…

2.Comatibilizer for inflaming retarding, fling and reinforcing ofABS or AS.

3.Compatibilizer for ABS/PMMA, AS/PMMA and other alloy materials.


Качества приложения:

Blends of PA/ABS: Our copolymer modifier has superior mechanical qualities and outstanding compatibility, making it very useful for usage in PA/ABS blends. It makes it possible to produce high-performance materials that are appropriate for consumer goods, electrical connectors, and automotive components.

PC/ABS Blends: The copolymer modifier offers improved mechanical performance and efficient compatibilization, making it a suitable choice for PC/ABS blends as well. Because of this, it’s perfect for applications that need impact resistance, like home appliances, electronic enclosures, and interior car components.

Customization: We may modify our copolymer modifier to satisfy certain application needs. Its chemical makeup and reactive properties can be changed to maximize its performance in various polymer blend systems, guaranteeing the greatest outcomes for every application.

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