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Compatibilizer For Fire Retardant Filled Polyester

Номер модели: W5AF


Coace ® W5AF представляет собой модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полиолефиновый эластомер с высоким содержанием реакционноспособных групп.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.88 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 2-5 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]
Описание товара


Coace ® W5AF is a type of polyolefin elastomer that has been modified with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) to introduce reactive groups into the polymer structure. This modification allows the material to be more easily cross-linked, which can improve its mechanical properties and make it more resistant to heat and chemicals.The high content of reactive groups in W5AF makes it particularly suitable for applications where adhesion to other materials is important. The GMA modification enables the material to form strong chemical bonds with other substrates, such as metals, plastics, and composites. This can make it useful in applications such as adhesives, coatings, and composite materials.


A specific product called the Compatibilizer for Fire Retardant Filled Polyester is made to improve the performance of materials made of fire retardant filled polyester. It’s a chemical additive that makes the fire retardant filler and polyester more compatible, which promotes the filler’s more even dispersion throughout the material. As a result, completed goods have better mechanical qualities, fire resistance, and other desired qualities.


A class of materials known as polyolefin elastomers combines the toughness and durability of polyolefin plastics with the flexibility and elasticity of rubber. They are often utilized in consumer goods, packaging materials, and automotive components—applications where a high degree of flexibility and impact resistance are necessary.

Coace ® W5AF is especially well-suited for applications where adhesion to other materials is crucial due to its high reactive group concentration. Strong chemical connections can be formed between the material and various substrates, including metals, polymers, and composites, thanks to the GMA modification. It can therefore be helpful in applications including composite materials, adhesives, and coatings.


Enhancing compatibility between fire retardant chemicals and the polyester matrix is the main goal of the Compatibilizer for Fire Retardant Filled Polyester. This product provides uniform distribution and optimal usage of the fire retardant additives by successfully dispersing and spreading the fire retardant particles within the polyester. As a result, the finished product has increased thermal stability, decreased flammability, and improved fire resistance qualities.

The Compatibilizer for Fire Retardant Filled Polyester is a very efficient way to improve the mechanical toughness, thermal stability, and fire resistance of polyester textiles. This product offers a number of benefits in a variety of industries, including construction, automotive, electrical, and textiles, thanks to its distinctive formulation and compatibility-enhancing qualities. Manufacturers may guarantee the manufacturing of high-performance materials that fulfill strict safety regulations and provide improved product performance by adding the Compatibilizer to fire retardant loaded polyester formulations.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый
Плотность 0.88 г/см3 ASTM D792
Скорость течения расплава(190℃2,16 кг) 2-5 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание глицидилметакрилата Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%




1. Improved Fire Resistance: Polyester materials’ fire resistance qualities are vastly improved by the compatibilizer. It improves fire resistance and decreases flammability by aiding the dispersion of fire retardant additives and resulting in a homogenous distribution of flame retardants throughout the material.

2. Increased Mechanical Strength: The Compatibilizer makes polyester textiles packed with fire retardants stronger mechanically. The polymer matrix is successfully strengthened, enhancing tensile strength, impact resistance, and durability in general. By doing this, it is made sure that the finished product can survive difficult conditions and demanding uses.

3. exceptional Thermal Stability: Fire retardant filled polyester textiles display exceptional thermal stability when using the Compatibilizer. By reducing the rate at which the polymer matrix degrades at high temperatures, the product enables the material to retain both structural integrity and performance even in extremely hot environments.

4. Improved Processability: The Compatibilizer makes fire retardant-filled polyester textiles easier to process. It speeds up the melt mixing procedure, guaranteeing effective addition dispersion and cutting down on processing time. This raises production productivity and lowers manufacturing costs.


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1.To be used as a toughener for polyester and the fire retardant filled polyester, eg. PET, PBT,PET/FR, PBT/FR, and other polyester compounds.

2.To be used as a compatibilizer for polyolefin and polyester alloys.

3.To be used as an adhesive for some laminate structures.


Coace®W5AF should be stored in dry conditions and protected from UV-light. Improperstorage conditions may cause degradation and have consequences on physical properties ofthe product.

Shelf life:

2 years from the date of delivery, in unopened packaging.

Для любого другого применения сверх этого предела, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с представителем COACE Chemical.




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