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Сопротивление старению PC/ABS сплава Toughener

Номер модели: W1G-5


Coace® W1G-5 - это полимер, привитый малеиновым ангидридом, с эластомером SEBS в качестве основы. Обладает хорошей стабильностью и устойчивостью к старению.
Внешний вид granules
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Melt index(190℃, 5 kg): g/10min 1-6g
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.94-0.96
Описание товара


Coace® W1G-5 is a maleic anhydride grafted polymer with SEBS elastomer as the base material. It has good stability and aging resistance and has the appearance of white or light yellow particles.

Using maleic anhydride grafted polymer and SEBS elastomer as its foundation material, the Ageing Resistance PC/ABS Alloy Toughener is a significant advancement in the field of polymer modification technology. Its one-of-a-kind composition improves the durability, impact resistance, and ageing resistance of PC/ABS alloys, which makes it an excellent option for a wide variety of applications. Whether it is utilised in the automotive industry, the electronics industry, the consumer goods industry, or the industrial sector, this toughener provides exceptional performance and reliability. When it comes to the production of high-quality, long-lasting products, manufacturers can reap the benefits of its adaptability, superior mechanical qualities, and outstanding resistance to the effects of ageing. For all of your polymer alloy requirements, the Ageing Resistance PC/ABS Alloy Toughener presents you with the opportunity to embrace endurance and longevity.


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Внешний вид granules
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Melt index(190℃, 5 kg): g/10min 1-6g
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.94-0.96


  • The grafted polymer composed of maleic anhydride: One of the most important aspects of this toughener is its composition, which is a maleic anhydride grafted polymer. This composition offers great compatibility with Polycarbonate and ABS alloys.The purpose of this specialised polymer is to improve the toughness, impact resistance, and ageing resistance of PC/ABS blends, so ensuring that the performance stability of the blends is maintained over the long term.
  • Elastomer Base Material Utilising SEBS: Utilises SEBS (Styrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene) elastomer as the basis material, which provides the PC/ABS alloy with elevated levels of elasticity and flexibility.
    Enhances the alloy’s resistance to impact as well as its toughness, making it an excellent choice for applications that require resilience and durability.
  • The resistance to ageing: This material possesses outstanding qualities that allow it to resist ageing, which guarantees the durability and stability of PC/ABS alloy components in a variety of situations.
    The alloy is able to keep its integrity over extended periods of time because it is resistant to degradation caused by ultraviolet (UV) exposure, heat, moisture, and chemical exposure.


1. Improved Durability: The combination of maleic anhydride grafted polymer and SEBS elastomer base material results in an improvement in the durability and longevity of components made of PC/ABS alloy.
This material provides high resistance to impact, abrasion, and environmental variables, which guarantees dependable performance even in the most difficult conditions.
2. Superior Ageing Resistance: Offers exceptional resistance to the effects of ageing, ultraviolet radiation, and weathering, hence preserving the appearance and qualities of PC/ABS alloys over the course of time.
3. The ideal choice for applications that require long-term performance, such as those found in the automobile industry, electronics, and outdoor applications.
The impact strength, toughness, and tensile properties of PC/ABS alloys are all improved as a result of the presence of this compound, which also serves as an excellent toughening agent.
It makes it possible to manufacture parts and components that have a better load-bearing capacity and are resistant to deformation.
4. Adaptable to a Wide Range of Applications: This material is suitable for a wide variety of applications, such as electronic housings, consumer products, appliance parts, and vehicle interior components.
In addition to providing versatility and dependability, it improves the performance and longevity of PC/ABS alloy materials in a variety of applications.

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Типовое применение

PC/ABS alloy toughener.

Improve the folding resistance of PC/ABS alloy

Applications in Industry:

1.To improve the impact resistance and longevity of car interior components such as dashboards, door panels, and trim, this product is referred to as automotive components.
possesses exceptional resistance to ageing, which guarantees that components will keep their integrity and beauty even after being subjected to extreme conditions for an extended period of time.
2. Electronics Housings: Particularly well-suited for usage in electronic enclosures and housings, where resistance to impact and resistance to ageing are factors of critical importance.
It safeguards delicate electronic components against the effects of mechanical shock and environmental conditions, so ensuring that they continue to function reliably over time.
3. Consumer products: This feature makes it possible to manufacture consumer products that are long-lasting and resistant toimpact, such as tool housings, baggage, and sporting equipment.
Enhances the durability and lifetime of items, hence increasing both the level of customer happiness and the reliability of the product.
4. Industrial Applications: Appropriate for use in industrial applications that call for materials that are rugged and long-lasting, such as housings for machinery, protective covers, and components of equipment.
Reduces the amount of time and money spent on maintenance while simultaneously increasing the impact resistance and durability of industrial parts.

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