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Aging Resistance Impact Modifiers for Polyamide Compounds

Model No.: W1G -2


Coace®W1G-2 is an anhydride modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styreneelastomer with good stability and aging resistance.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Плотность 0.89 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(190℃5kg) 0.1-1 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Средний wt% Метод COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4-0.8wt%); High(0.81-1.2wt%);U high(1.21-3wt%).

Описание товара


Coace® W1G-2 is an anhydride modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene elastomer with good stability and aging resistance.

Polyamide compounds, often known as nylons, are widely utilized in a variety of sectors due to their high mechanical qualities, thermal stability, and resistance to wear and chemicals. However, these materials can be fragile, particularly at lower temperatures, and are prone to environmental aging, which can reduce their performance over time. To solve these issues, the use of aging-resistant impact modifiers has become critical.
The use of anhydride-modified SEBS elastomers as impact modifiers in polyamide compounds marks a significant achievement in material engineering. These elastomers improve polyamides’ mechanical characteristics, thermal stability, and aging resistance, allowing them to be used in a variety of demanding applications across several industries. SEBS-modified polyamides’ versatility and performance enhancements ensure that they remain a preferred material for producers looking for long-lasting, high-performance solutions.


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Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Плотность 0.89 г/см3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(190℃5kg) 0.1-1 г/10мин ASTM D1238
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Средний wt% Метод COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4-0.8wt%); High(0.81-1.2wt%);U high(1.21-3wt%).


Chemical Structure: The SEBS backbone is made up of styrene and butadiene blocks, which give a combination of stiffness and flexibility. The anhydride modification introduces reactive groups, which improve adhesion to polar substrates such as polyamide.


Elasticity: SEBS elastomers have rubber-like elasticity, which considerably increases polyamide compounds’ impact resistance, particularly at low temperatures.

Thermal Stability: This elastomer retains its qualities over a wide temperature range, ensuring that the modified polyamide is durable in a variety of environments.

Aging Resistance: The anhydride modification provides resistance to oxidative aging and UV degradation, extending the life of polyamide compounds.



Enhanced Impact Resistance: By integrating SEBS elastomer, polyamide compounds gain toughness and reduce brittleness, which is important in applications needing high impact strength.

Improved Flexibility: SEBS elastomers make polyamides more flexible, making them suited for dynamic applications that demand frequent flexing and bending.

Thermal Performance: SEBS’s exceptional thermal stability means that polyamide compounds may survive high processing and operating temperatures without degradation.

Chemical Compatibility: The anhydride groups improve the chemical compatibility of SEBS with polyamides, resulting in greater dispersion and stronger interfacial adhesion in the polymer matrix.

Aging and Weathering Resistance: The SEBS elastomer is very resistant to environmental influences such as UV radiation and oxidative chemicals, allowing polyamide compounds to preserve their mechanical capabilities even after prolonged exposure to harsh environments.


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Типовое применение

To be used as impact modifiers for polyamide and its composite compounds, such as PA6, PA66, PA/FR, etc.

To be used as compatibilizers for polyester blending compounds, such as PC/ABS compounds, etc

Решение по отраслям


Exterior Components: Due to their improved impact resistance and weathering qualities, these modified polyamides are perfect for exterior car elements such as bumpers, grilles, and trim.
Under-the-Hood Applications: SEBS-modified polyamides have strong thermal stability and chemical resistance, making them ideal for components exposed to high temperatures and harsh fluids, such as air intake manifolds and engine covers.

Электронные и электрические:

Enclosures and Housings: The increased impact strength and aging resistance benefit electronic device casings and electrical housings that must be durable and long-lasting.
connections and Insulators: SEBS-modified polyamides’ flexibility and thermal stability improve the performance of electrical connections and insulators.
Consumer goods:

Sporting Equipment: These polyamides’ impact resistance and suppleness make them perfect for sporting products that must survive repeated impacts and stresses.
Household appliances: SEBS-modified polyamides’ endurance and aesthetic characteristics make them ideal for household appliance components that must be both practical and visually appealing.
Industrial applications:

Tool Housings: Due to their durability and resistance to environmental aging, these materials are ideal for tool housings and protective covers in industrial settings.
Mechanical Parts: SEBS-modified polyamides improve wear resistance and impact strength for components such as gears, bearings, and bushings.


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