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Клей для упаковочной пленки для пищевых продуктов

Номер модели: K2B


Благодаря высокой прочности склеивания, быстрому времени отверждения, термостойкости, гибкости и пищевому составу этот клей обеспечивает надежное сцепление между слоями упаковочной пленки.
Внешний вид Белые или светло-желтые гранулы
Индекс расплава
(190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.94
Описание товара


When it comes to the food packaging sector, adhesives play a significant role since it is vital to ensure that different layers of packaging sheets are securely bonded to one another in order to guarantee the integrity and safety of the product.
It is necessary to add certain adhesive layers between the base layer resins and the functional layer resins in order to create a “integrated” composite film. This is because the base layer resins and functional layer resins have a low affinity for one another.
As a result of the presence of vinyl acetate monomer in the molecular chain of the primary material that makes up K2B from Coaces, the crystallinity of polyethylene is decreased, and the heat sealing performance of the composite film is further improved.


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Внешний вид Белые или светло-желтые гранулы
Индекс расплава
(190℃, 2,16 кг): г/10мин
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.94

Coace ® K2B следует хранить в сухих условиях и защищать от ультрафиолетового света. Неправильные условия хранения могут привести к деградации и повлиять на физические свойства продукта.

2 года с даты поставки в невскрытой упаковке. Для любого другого применения сверх этого срока, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вашим представителем COACE Chemical.

  • Food-Grade Formulation: To guarantee that it satisfies the regulatory requirements for direct or indirect food contact, the adhesive for food packaging film is specially manufactured using food-grade ingredients. It gives producers and customers peace of mind since it conforms with food safety laws.
  • Strong Bonding Strength: The adhesive has a strong bonding strength that makes it possible for various layers of packing sheets to adhere to one another securely. It creates a strong connection that keeps out impurities like moisture, oxygen, and light and resists delamination.
  • Quick Curing Time: The adhesive’s quick curing time facilitates effective production procedures. It increases productivity by shortening the bonding time and enabling quicker packing line speeds.
  • Temperature resilience: The adhesive exhibits resilience to high temperatures, guaranteeing the integrity of the bond during a range of food packaging processes, including heat sealing, pasteurisation, and sterilisation. It remains intact and performs well even in extremely hot environments.
  • Flexibility and Stretchability: During handling and transit, the packaging film may shift and distort, and the adhesive’s flexibility and stretchability enable it to adapt to these changes. It guarantees long-term adhesion stability by preventing the adhesive layer from developing fractures or weak areas.




a. Enhanced Product Safety: The adhesive used for food packaging film offers a secure connection between layers, hence reducing the likelihood of product contamination. It does this by forming a dependable barrier that shields food products from external influences like as moisture, gases, and contaminants, therefore protecting the quality of the food and increasing its shelf life.

b. Increased Packaging Efficiency: The rapid curing time of the adhesive makes it possible to have efficient manufacturing processes, which in turn reduces the amount of time needed for assembly and increases the pace of the packaging line. This results in increased productivity for food packing processes as well as enhanced production efficiency.

c. The glue produces a smooth connection between the various layers of packaging sheets, which enhances the overall visual look of the package. This aspect contributes to the enhanced shelf appeal of the product. This contributes to the overall visual attractiveness of the food product when it is displayed on the retail shelf by providing a finish that is both clean and professional.

d. Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyester (PET), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are some of the types of packaging films that may be used with the adhesive for food packaging film. d. Versatile Application: The adhesive can be used also with other types of packaging films. Because of its adaptability and compatibility with a variety of film materials, it can fulfil a wide range of packaging needs.


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a. The Food and Beverage Industry: This adhesive is an essential component in the packaging of food goods, since it guarantees the products’ safety and integrity. In order to fulfil the strict criteria of food safety standards, it is utilised widely by firms that produce food, companies that process food, and companies that package food.

b. In the packaging sector, the adhesive plays a crucial function since it permits secure bonding between the various layers of packaging sheets. This provides the industry with a significant competitive advantage. Packaging converters and manufacturers make use of it in order to generate food packaging solutions that are of high quality, dependable, and visually appealing.

c. The glue helps to make food goods look more appealing when they are displayed on store shelves, which is something that the retail industry does. It assists in the creation of visually appealing packaging that attracts customers and provides an essential amount of information on the contents and quality of the food products that are packaged.



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