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ABS Alloy Toughening Agent with Good Stability

Номер модели: W1G-5


Coace® W1G-5 is a maleic anhydride grafted polymer with SEBS elastomer as the base material, which has good stability and aging resistance.
Внешний вид granules
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Melt index(190℃, 5 kg): g/10min 1-6g
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.94-0.96
Описание товара


Coace® W1G-5 is a maleic anhydride grafted polymer with SEBS elastomer as the base material. It has good stability and aging resistance and has the appearance of white or light yellow particles.

ABS alloy toughening agents with high stability are a huge step forward in materials engineering, providing improved impact resistance, durability, and adaptability. Their ability to work consistently in a variety of environments makes them useful in industries such as automotive, electronics, construction, and household appliances.

To address the limits of traditional butadiene-based toughening agents, a new family of core-shell impact modifiers has been developed that uses novel polymer chemistry to provide outstanding thermal and oxidative resilience. This unique toughening agent, developed expressly for use in ABS alloys, combines a durable core of functionalized polybutadiene with a strong, chemically cross-linked shell that resists thermal and environmental degradation.


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Внешний вид granules
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Melt index(190℃, 5 kg): g/10min 1-6g
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая
Плотность(g/㎤) 0.94-0.96
  • Elasticity and Flexibility: These agents must be elastic enough to absorb and release energy during impact, avoiding crack growth.
  • Compatibility: The toughening agent must be chemically and physically compatible with ABS in order to achieve uniform distribution and prevent phase separation.
  • Thermal Stability: Because ABS is manufactured at high temperatures, the toughening agent must keep its characteristics and not degrade under thermal stress.
  • Mechanical Stability: The agent should help to preserve or improve the mechanical stability of the ABS alloy, especially under cyclic loading circumstances.
  • Chemical Resistance: The capacity to withstand a variety of chemicals, such as oils, acids, and bases, is critical to the end product’s longevity.


1. Improved Impact Resistance: The most noticeable advantage is a significant improvement in impact resistance, which makes the material appropriate for applications involving mechanical shocks.

2. Improved Durability: As the hardness of the ABS alloy increases, so does the longevity of the products manufactured from it.
3. Temperature Resilience: A excellent toughening agent keeps the ABS alloy stable and operates effectively over a wide range of temperatures.
4. Consistency in Performance: The stability of these agents ensures consistent performance under a variety of environmental conditions, which is critical for industrial applications.
5. Versatility: Increased toughness broadens ABS alloys’ applications, making them suitable for more demanding situations and uses.


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Типовое применение

PC/ABS alloy toughener.

Improve the folding resistance of PC/ABS alloy


Applications in Industry:

1.Automotive industry: Toughened ABS alloys are widely utilized in dashboards, bumpers, and interior components. Improved impact resistance ensures greater safety and longevity.
2. Consumer Electronics: ABS alloys are used to make casings and housings for gadgets such as laptops, smartphones, and televisions. The increased hardness helps to protect the sensitive components inside.
3. ABS with toughening chemicals is used in plumbing systems, fittings, and other building components that require high durability and impact resistance.
4. Household Appliances: Products such as washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners benefit from increased toughness, allowing them to resist regular wear and tear.
5. Sporting products, such helmets and protective gear, rely on hardened ABS to absorb impact while maintaining structural integrity.


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