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Вид эпоксидного реактивного компатибилизатора с высоким содержанием и эквивалентом эпоксидной группы

Номер модели: KS-05


KS- 05 contains epoxy group equivalent of high density, which may have strong reation with polyester.containing active group and having high density of active end group. It features high reactivity and obvious compatibiling and endcapping ffect, and is able to improve the thermal stability, anti-hydrolytic stability and mechanical performance.
Описание товара


KS-05 is a kind of epoxy reactive compatibilizer having high content and equivalent of epoxy group. It features high reactivity and obvious compatibiling and endcapping ffect, and is able to improve the thermal stability, anti-hydrolytic stability and mechanical performance.

This high reactivity makes KS-05 an effective compatibilizer, meaning it can help different materials mix together more easily. KS-05 may also have an endcapping effect, which means it can help to stop chemical reactions that might otherwise damage the materials.

As a chemical addition to enhance the compatibility and performance of polymer blends, the High-Content Epoxy Reactive Compatibilizer provides outstanding value and performance. This compatibilizer, with its high epoxy group content, reactive functionality, improved compatibility, and customized molecular structure, allows polymer blends to reach their full potential. Purchasers can achieve improved mechanical properties, enhanced compatibility, increased thermal stability, and versatility for a variety of applications in the automotive, electronics, construction, and packaging industries by adding the High-Content Epoxy Reactive Compatibilizer into their formulations.


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KS-05 to Falle eficient endcapping and improve the thermal stability and anti-hydrolytic stabilits,Meanwhile, the epoxy group equivalent of high density may realize chain extension and crosslinking and have delustering effect on the polyester materlals.

  • High Epoxy Group Content: There is a high content of epoxy groups in the epoxy reactive compatibilizer. This high concentration of epoxy groups makes it easier for the components of the polymer blend to react chemically, strengthening interfacial adhesion and improving compatibility.
  • Reactive functionality: The compatibilizer may create covalent bonds with the components of the polymer blend because it has reactive functionality. It can function as a bridge, increasing the miscibility and interfacial adhesion of incompatible polymers, thanks to its reactive nature.
  • Enhanced Compatibility: The compatibility of various polymers in a blend is greatly improved by the high-content epoxy reactive compatibilizer. It improves the mechanical characteristics and performance of the blended materials, encourages uniform dispersion, and lessens phase separation.
  • Tailored Molecular Structure: The compatibilizer’s molecular structure was thoughtfully created to allow for efficient interaction and reaction with a variety of polymer matrices. This customized structure guarantees the best possible performance and suitability for a variety of polymer mixes.




Better Mechanical Properties: The High-Content Epoxy Reactive Compatibilizer improves the polymer blends’ mechanical qualities. It produces materials with improved performance and durability by enhancing tensile strength, impact resistance, elongation at break, and thermal stability.

Enhanced Compatibility: By addressing the issues of immiscibility and phase separation, the compatibilizer strengthens the bond between various polymers in blends. It guarantees that the constituents are dispersed uniformly, improving the blended materials’ physical qualities and homogeneity.

Enhanced Thermal Stability: The thermal stability of polymer blends is improved by the high-content epoxy reactive compatibilizer. Its enhanced heat resistance lowers the possibility of deterioration, discoloration, and loss of mechanical qualities, which makes it appropriate for high-temperature settings.

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It is suitable for PC/ABS, PC/ASA, R PC/ABS and other alloy materials having low gloss requirements.

Решение по отраслям

There are several uses for the High-Content Epoxy Reactive Compatibilizer, such as:

Automotive Industry: The compatibilizer is utilized in the alteration of polymer mixes that are used in bumpers, under-the-hood components, and interior trims. It improves the mixes’ mechanical qualities, thermal stability, and compatibility, guaranteeing dependable performance in challenging automobile settings.

Electronics and Electrical Appliances: Polymer mixes used in connections, housings, and insulating materials for electronics and electrical appliances can be modified with the use of epoxy reactive compatibilizer. It ensures dependable performance and longevity by enhancing the mixes’ mechanical qualities, compatibility, and thermal stability.

Building Materials: The compatibilizer is used to change polymer blends that are used in coatings, adhesives, and sealants, among other building materials. By improving the mixes’ mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and compatibility, it ensures long-lasting and highly effective construction applications.

The packaging industry uses the High-Content Epoxy Reactive Compatibilizer to change the polymer mixes that go into making films, bottles, and containers. It guarantees the safety, preservation, and aesthetically pleasing appearance of packed items by enhancing the blends’ compatibility, thermal stability, and mechanical qualities.







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