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Привитой полимер малеинового ангидрида

Номер модели: W1P


W1P is a grafted polymer of maleic anhydride, and EPDM rubber is used as a collective material. W1P has the high elastic modulus of rubber, fatigue resistance and aging resistance. It is mainly used in nylon modification.
W1P in nylon can effectively improve the toughness of the product and achieve the effect of super toughness.EPDM rubber also has excellent fatigue resistance, which means it can withstand repeated cycles of stress without breaking down or degrading.
Описание товара


Maleic anhydride grafted polymer is a highly adaptable product that transforms functionalization and material compatibility. This polymer offers remarkable advantages in a variety of applications due to its better adhesion, enhanced compatibility, flexible functionalization, and customized characteristics. The adhesive, coatings, composites, and surface modification sectors find it to be a desirable option because to its numerous advantages, which include increased material compatibility, enhanced adhesion, functionalization flexibility, and broad application possibilities.

EPDM rubber has a high elastic modulus, which means it can stretch and then return to its original shape when the force is removed. This property makes it ideal for applications that require a high degree of elasticity and flexibility, such as sealing and gasketing.

In addition to its high elastic modulus and fatigue resistance, EPDM rubber also has excellent aging resistance. It can withstand exposure to heat, sunlight, ozone, and other environmental factors without degrading or losing its properties over time. This property makes it ideal for use in outdoor applications, such as roofing and sealing.

Overall, EPDM rubber is a highly versatile material that offers excellent properties for a wide range of industrial applications. Its high elastic modulus, fatigue resistance, and aging resistance make it an ideal material for use in nylon modification and many other applications.

W1P is a grafted polymer of maleic anhydride, and EPDM rubber is used as a collective material. It is mainly used in nylon modification. It has the high elastic modulus of rubber, fatigue resistance and aging resistance.

EPDM rubber is a collective material because it is a type of polymer that is made up of different monomers. The main monomers that are used in the production of EPDM rubber are ethylene, propylene, and a small amount of diene. These monomers are polymerized to form long chains that give the material its unique properties.


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W1P in nylon can effectively improve the toughness of the product and achieve the effect of super toughness.EPDM rubber also has excellent fatigue resistance, which means it can withstand repeated cycles of stress without breaking down or degrading. This property makes it suitable for use in applications that involve constant movement or vibration, such as automotive and industrial applications.

  • Maleic Anhydride Grafting: A polymer backbone is incorporated with functional groups of maleic anhydride to create the grafted polymer. The polymer gains special qualities from this grafting process, including enhanced adhesion, compatibility, and reactivity with a variety of components.
  • Enhanced Compatibility: The grafted polymer is more compatible with a variety of substrates, such as surfaces, fillers, and polymers, when maleic anhydride functional groups are present. This property makes it possible for the polymer to blend, adhere, and disperse more effectively, which enhances the performance and compatibility of the material.
  • Versatile Functionalization: A variety of chemical functionalities can be introduced into the grafted polymer by functionalizing it through the maleic anhydride moieties. Because of its adaptability, the polymer’s characteristics can be tailored to meet the needs of certain applications, such as boosting reactivity, changing surface characteristics, or improving adhesion.
  • Customized Molecular Weight and Composition: To meet particular application requirements, the grafted polymer can be manufactured with customized molecular weights and compositions. Because of its flexibility, the polymer’s characteristics can be controlled, resulting in performance that is optimal for a range of applications.



Enhanced Material Compatibility: The improved compatibility of the grafted polymer allows it to blend and adhere to a wide range of materials, including surfaces, fillers, and other polymers. This benefit results in better material compatibility, which lowers problems like delamination, weak surfaces, and phase separation, improving the overall performance of the material.

Enhanced Adhesion and Bonding: The polymer’s adhesion and bonding capabilities are improved by the functional groups of maleic anhydride. It promotes strong interfacial contacts and adhesion to a variety of substrates, such as composites, metals, and polymers. This benefit increases the bonded assemblies’ and coated surfaces’ dependability and durability.

The process of functionalization Flexibility: Surface characteristics, reactivity, and chemical functionalities can be tailored with ease thanks to the grafted polymer’s functionalization capabilities. This benefit makes it possible to alter the surface of materials to produce desired properties like enhanced wetting, greater reactivity, hydrophobicity, or certain chemical interactions.

Wide-ranging Use: Because of the grafted polymer’s compatibility and functionalization benefits, it is used in a variety of fields and sectors. It provides improved performance and functionality in the automotive, electronics, construction, packaging, and other industries as a useful ingredient in adhesives, coatings, composites, polymer blends, and surface treatments.


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