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Модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом полимер с высокой скоростью прививки

Номер модели: BP-4


BP-4 - модифицированный глицидилметакрилатом поли(бутилен сукцинат) с высокой скоростью прививки.
Характеристики Значение Единица Метод испытания
Внешний вид Гранулы
Цвет Белый или светло-желтый
Плотность 1.25 г/см3 ASTM D792
Содержание малеинового ангидрида Высокая wt% Метод COACE[1]

Примечания [1] Низкий<0,4wt%; Средний(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); Высокий≥0,8wt%.

Описание товара

Coace® BP-4 is a glycidyl methacrylate modified Poly(butylene succinate) with high grafting rate.

Coace® BP-4 is a type of Poly(butylene succinate) that has been modified with glycidyl methacrylate, resulting in a material with a high grafting rate. This modification alters the chemical structure of the polymer, creating new reactive sites that can bond with other materials.

The combination of glycidyl methacrylate and PBS results in the functionality of our Glycidyl Methacrylate Modified Poly(butylene succinate) with High Grafting Rate. Reactive epoxy groups are present in glycidyl methacrylate, enabling further chemical alterations and cross-linking processes. The material’s mechanical qualities, thermal stability, and compatibility with other polymers are all improved by the high grafting rate onto PBS.


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Coace® BP-4 is a glycidyl methacrylate modified Poly(butylene succinate) with high grafting rate.

  • The high grafting rate of Coace® BP-4 makes it a useful material in applications where compatibility and adhesion with other materials is important. For example, it may be used in the production of biodegradable and compostable packaging materials, where it can improve the bonding between different layers of the material and enhance the overall performance of the package.
  • In addition to its adhesion properties, Coace® BP-4 also has the advantage of being biodegradable, meaning it can break down naturally over time and does not contribute to the buildup of non-degradable waste. This makes it a more sustainable option for applications such as packaging, where reducing environmental impact is a priority.
  • Overall, Coace® BP-4 is a useful material for a range of applications where high adhesion and compatibility with other materials is required, and its biodegradability makes it an attractive option for sustainable production.




1. Improved Mechanical Properties: Due of our product’s high grafting rate, PBS now has much better tensile strength, impact resistance, and elongation at break. Because of this, it may be used in applications that call for high-performance materials.
2. Increased Thermal resilience: PBS’s thermal resilience is improved by the glycidyl methacrylate alteration, enabling it to resist greater temperatures without significantly degrading. Because of this, our product may be used in difficult heat situations.
3. Chemical Compatibility: Glycidyl methacrylate’s reactive epoxy groups enable chemical alterations and cross-linking processes, improving the substance’s compatibility with other polymers. This makes it possible to combine the material in order to attain particular qualities and uses.

4. Biodegradability: Poly(butylene succinate) is an ecologically friendly polyester that may be broken down in the environment. Compared to non-biodegradable materials, it may be quickly broken down by microbes in a variety of conditions, lessening its environmental effect.


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1.To be used as coupling agent between biodegradable materials like PLA, PBS and the infill materials which contain starch, wood powder and others.


2.To be used as compatibilizers in PLA/PBS alloy for injection molding process or blowning process.




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