Продукция компании Coace, продуктовые линейки и семейства продуктов
Высокотехнологичное предприятие, объединяющее НИОКР, производство и реализацию полимерных материалов, специализирующееся на НИОКР, производстве, реализации и обслуживании полимерных совместителей и упрочнителей.
Polymer compatibilizers grafted with maleic anhydride are essential for altering the morphology and phase separation behavior of blends of polymers.
Полимерные компатибилизаторы, привитые малеиновым ангидридом, необходимы для повышения межфазной адгезии в смесях несмешивающихся полимеров.
Polymeric compatibilizers grafted with maleic anhydride are essential for the recycling and repurposing of polymer blends.
Comparing maleic anhydride-grafted polymeric compatibilizers to other compatibilization techniques in polymer blends reveals a number of benefits.
A flexible method for improving the compatibility and performance of polymer blends is the grafting of maleic anhydride onto polymeric compatibilizers.
The processing and molding properties of materials based on nylon are greatly impacted by the use of nylon reinforcement additives.
Given that nylon polymers are frequently subjected to high temperatures during production or under end-use circumstances, heat resistance is an essential characteristic for many applications …
The impact of nylon reinforcement additives on the dimensional stability of nylon components under varying environmental circumstances is significant.
When choosing nylon reinforcing additives for industrial applications, there are a number of important aspects to take into account.