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Как повысить прочность пластмасс и отличить обычно используемые упрочнители для пластмасс?
The importance of modified plastics is rising, and both academic and industrial research have long been interested in plastic toughening technology. We shall study plastic toughening today. The plastic toughening effect is influenced by three elements.

Three factors affecting plastic toughening effect


1. Matrix resin’s characteristics

According to studies, increasing the toughness of the matrix resin will increase the toughening effect of plastics that have been hardened. The matrix resin’s toughness can be increased in the following ways: Narrow the molecular weight distribution by increasing the matrix resin’s molecular weight and increase toughness by regulating crystallinity, degree of crystallization, crystal size, and crystal shape. For instance, adding a nucleating agent to polypropylene (PP) speeds up crystallization and refines the grain structure, increasing the material’s fracture toughness.

2. Дозировка и характеристики упрочняющего агента

①.. The toughening agent’s dispersed phase’s dispersed particle size has an impactThe qualities of the matrix resin and the ideal value of the particle size of the elastomer’s dispersion phase are different for elastomer-toughened plastics. For instance, the ideal rubber particle size in HIPS is between 0.8 and 1.3 m, the ideal ABS particle size is around 0.3 m, and the ideal PVC-modified ABS particle size is roughly 0.1 m. ②. The impact of the amount of toughening agent applied; the particle distance parameter is connected to the ideal amount of toughening agent added; ③ The influence of toughening agent glass transition temperature – the lower the glass transition temperature of general elastomers, the better the toughening effect; ④. The impact of the toughening agent on the interface strength of the matrix resin – the impact of the interfacial bond strength on the toughening effect varies for different systems; ⑤. The effect of the elastomer toughener’s structure, which is influenced by the type of elastomer and the degree of cross-linking, among other factors.

3. Сила, которая связывает две фазы вместе

The macroscopically higher overall performance of the plastic is primarily due to the gain in impact strength, but a good bonding force between the two phases can also make it possible for stress to be successfully conveyed between the phases while consuming more energy. Typically, the contact force between two phases can be thought of as this type of binding force. Block and graft copolymerization are frequent techniques for enhancing the bonding force between two phases. The distinction is that they create chemical linkages using techniques like grafting and block copolymerization. Block copolymer SBS, polyurethane, ABS, and branch copolymer HIPS. It falls under the category of physical blending for plastics that have been toughened, but the basic idea is the same. The two components should be somewhat compatible and in different phases for the blend system to be excellent. Between the stages is an interface layer. There is a clear concentration gradient and molecular diffusion between the two polymers’ chains in the interface layer. As the mixing is intensified When components are compatible, there is a strong binding force that improves diffusion and disperses the interface, thickening the interface layer. The crucial technology for creating polymer alloys at this point is polymer compatibility technology, which also includes plastic toughening!

What do tougheners for plastic do? How do you split?

(1) The properties of matrix resin

1. Rubber elastomer toughening: EPDM, EPR, butadiene rubber, natural rubber, isobutylene rubber, nitrile rubber, etc.; Suitable for toughening modification of old plastic resins; 2. TPE toughening: SBS, SEBS, POE, TPO, TPV, etc.; mostly used to toughen polyolefins or non-polar resins, as well as to toughen polymers with polar functional groups like polyesters and polyamides. Whenever compatibilizer is added; 3. Core-shell copolymers and reactive terpolymers are used to toughen engineering plastics and high-temperature resistant polymer alloys, such as ACR (acrylate), MBS (methyl acrylate-butadiene-styrene copolymer), PTW (ethylene-butyl acrylate-methyl Glycidyl acrylate copolymer), E-MA-GMA (ethylene-methyl acrylate-glycidyl meth 4. Blending and toughening of high-toughness engineering plastics, such as PP/PA, PP/ABS, PA/ABS, HIPS/PPO, PPS/PA, PC/ABS, PC/PBT, etc.; polymer alloy technology is essential for this process; 5. Additional techniques for toughening include the use of nanoparticles (such as nano-CaCO3) and sarin resin (a DuPont metal ionomer), among others;  

(2) The toughening of modified polymers can be broadly categorized into the following circumstances in actual industrial production:

1. To fulfill the demands of use, the toughness of synthetic resin must be increased. Examples of this include GPPS, homopolymer PP, etc.; 2. Significantly increase the toughness of polymers, such as nylon that is extremely strong, to satisfy the demands of extreme toughness and prolonged usage in low-temperature situations; 3. The performance of the material has declined as a result of the resin’s modification, such as filling and flame retardant. Effective toughening needs to be done right now. Free radical addition polymerization is typically used to produce general-purpose polymers. Polar groups are absent from the molecules’ side chains and main chain. Better toughening effects can be obtained by adding rubber and elastomer particles while toughening; Condensation polymerization is typically used to create engineering polymers. Polar groups are found in the side chains or end groups of molecular chains. Functionalized rubber or elastomer particles may be added after toughening to boost toughness. All things considered, plastic toughening is crucial for both crystalline and amorphous polymers. The cost and price of plastics are increasing as their heat resistance is gradually improving, ranging from ordinary plastics to engineering plastics to special engineering plastics. Tougheners’ resistance is impacted by this. Higher standards have been imposed by factors like thermal characteristics and aging resistance, and this is a significant test for plastic modification and toughening technology. Maintaining good compatibility with the matrix and components is the most crucial and significant one!
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